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The gates of the Moon dormitory is opening. You can hear a deafening sound of squeals and cheers from the Day class students. Yuki also whipped her head towards the gates while Zero continued pushing back the crowd.

There you see, a large group of students wearing a white uniform, a counterpart from the black uniform of Day class. You don't get why but for some reason everything was in slow motion, their hair is waving as the wind flew their way. This is some supernatural shit happening. Does God wanted them to look as dreamy as possible that he blew a gust and let the golden light from the sun touched this guys pale white skin? You'll never know.

You remembered something about vampire hierarchy, lower class to aristocrats. High class vampires seems to be gifted with more power and beauty. Those Night class folks must be from higher class or aristocrats.

In front of Night class was Kaname. He was the dorm leader or something so it made sense if he looked like that big-shot CEO as he walked along with his crew.

You looked at the other Night class student and made some note.

A blonde with emerald eyes that looked like a pretty nice dude was walk right behind Kaname, you mentally named him Kaname's bestie because they looked somewhat close.

A light-browned haired pretty woman who looked very sassy. She reminded you of a strict and pretty principal from your childhood.

A very wild looking dude with orange hair, he probably was a heir of a yakuza or something.

A girl in twin-tails holding a frilly white parasol. She looks like your sister's French porcelain doll that she never let you play with.

Under the twin-tailed girl's parasol was a maroon haired guy. He looked so done with everything, fat mood.

The rest of the students has normal hair colors that indicates them being extras so you didn't payed too much  attention to them.

'What's the big deal? Sure they are good looking, but Yuki and Zero seems more beautiful and handsome than them.' you told to yourself with some bias. Quite disappointed.

You saw another blonde boy with blue eyes walking towards the crowd that Yuki is guarding. He dramatically flipped his hair and starts pointing at some random girl on the crowd.

"Tonight I will be visiting your dream~" he said with a wink making the appointed girl go crazy. This made you cringe so bad that you almost fell from the tree.

'Well what do you know, there's a whore in this house. I bet he's gay lol.' you mentally noted.

His actions made the girls wild as they squeals loudly and pushed back some more that Yuki lost her balance and stumbles on the ground. This made you jump down the ground and pushed your body against the crowd as you approached Yuki.

You crouched down behind her as you used your body and try shielding her from the crowd.

"Back off already!" you tried raising your voice for everyone to hear. Zero heard you and looked towards your direction, seeing as you tried protecting Yuki. Too bad he can't move because of the crowd he was holding back.

The Day class students stopped when Kaname started walking off your direction. He extended his hand towards Yuki as she shyly took it and helped you stand.

"Thank you (m/n) and Kaname-senpai." she said with a blush in her cheeks.

You looked at Kaname, he looked like he was really concerned about Yuki but, "Thanks slowpoke. Could have been nicer if you're little earlier." you said as you dust yourself off.

Everyone became silent, no one would dare to speak like that to Kaname, except Zero ofcourse. This made the Night class become agitated as someone was being rude to their Master. The first one to lash out was the blonde guy who started this.

"YOU IMPUDENT! How dare you speak that wa-"

"Begone thot!" you cut him off. You glared at him as he fumed with anger.

He was about to say something when Kaname held up his hand as a sign to stop.

"I apologise for acting late." he bowed slightly then turns his head towards the angry blonde "Aidou, stop doing that and apologise. You're the reason why this happened." he sternly said.

Aidou's lips is twitching, he didn't expect Kaname to scold him. He was embarrassed. He looked at you and Yuki and bowed while saying sorry.

You just huffed which made the blonde even more frustrated but he kept it in because Kaname is watching.

Kaname spoke up to the crowd, asking them to treat the disciplinary comittee nicely. They chorused 'yes' and uttered some apologies.

With that, the Night class continues to venture on their way. You noticed some of them are still eyeing and glaring at you especially Aidou who struck his tongue out like a kid when saw you looking back.

"Pfft- what a kid."

'Fruit of Eden' (Vampire Knight fanfic) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora