Chapter 1

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After the year I've had I never thought I would actually make it to this day. Hell, no one would of thought I'd make it here regardless of what happened last year. I don't think I'm the least bit prepared for college but I can't live in this little shit hole town forever. I refuse to be another person that never leaves their little Midwest, single stop-light, in the middle of a corn field town.

For the fourth time this morning "Kami, get your butt down here!" My dad yelling from downstairs. I'm not sure who is more ready for me to leave here, him or me. I have all the belongings I need packed into two bags.. I don't have much, just some clothes, books and my paint supplies. My paint brushes are really the only thing I care about but since I have no money and no job. I can feel pressure on my chest as I'm zipping them up about to say goodbye to this room. Its been my safe haven since I can remember. I painted my very first picture in here after my grandmother gave me these brushes for my 7th birthday. I made the sun in bright yellow shining on a single flower.. I hid here under my bed every time the police got called on my parents' fights. This was the room that I practically never left since the accident last year. I even finished my senior year schooling here. The teachers helped make it work and I'm sure they were just as glad to not have me in the school hallways.

"KAMI, if I have to tell you one more time" "DAD, I am coming!" I'm leaving today give me fucking break, I think to myself.  As I go down the stairs dragging my bags behind me, making sure they hit every single step, I can hear him breathing in and out slowing to calm himself down from his frustration. It's a new thing he picked up from therapy and anger management or some shit like that. I can hear him chanting "In 1-2-3-4 out 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10"

He forces a half smile "do you have everything?"  "yeah dad, I'm good" I stuff my bags into the car and crawl in the passenger seat. The drive to the train station we sit in comfortable silence.

Pulling up to the bustling station I get a lump in my throat knowing that I'm not sure when I'll be back here, or if I ever will. But I ignore my feelings and quickly get out of the car to retrieve my bags. Dad gets out, and slowly moves to the trunk, I can tell his eyes are on my every move. He musters up the courage to speak, "I can't believe you are actually leaving here," as his voice cracks. I just stare at him. I know he's been disappointed in me these last couple years, especially what happened last year. I haven't made life easy on him since mom left. "You have done a lot of things here, but this is your chance to start over, please Kami don't waste it" with desperation in his voice. I can't promise I'm not gonna fuck this up. God knows that's what I'm good at. All I can say with annoyance is "okay dad." He gives me a quick hug, a text me when you get there speech, and wipes a tear that he thinks I can't see; as he gets back in the car to leave

With a deep breath, I lift my bags and walk into the station. One way ticket to Chicago.

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