Chapter 5

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Its midnight and I didn't think it would be this weird sleeping in a new place. I will not admit to myself that I'm missing my old bed in my old room. But that's not home anymore. Though my room there was my safe place, that town is filled with bad memories. It's time for me to let it go. As I've convinced myself to never think of my old room again I can't help but see Adam's golden eyes every time I close mine. WHAT is wrong with me? I'm tossing and turning and remembering the shock I felt by touching his skin. That was definitely my imagination, right? That doesn't actually happen in real life. This is not the fucking Hallmark channel or some rom com. Though I'm pretty sure my life would make some good twisted comedy thriller shit that just ends with me being alone forever.


I am jolted awake by someone barging through my door! By instinct I pull the covers up all the way under my chin and I'm ready to scream but then I stop because I see that it's Fucking Adam with Rebecca over his shoulder. He stumbles in as he tries to get her down off him gingerly.

"What in the hell is going on?" I yell at him and jump out of my bed. He looks at me, with his puppy dog eyes. And some how I know he is judging my oversize pjs. But I don't give a shit because I'm judging him.

"Are you trying to have sex with her while she is inebriated?" I demand answers!

His puppy dog eyes are immediately gone and filled with heat, "What! Fuck! No I just brought her home because she can't function on her own, and she is probably going to puke at any time. Now, he's pacing back and forth, "I would NEVER do anything like that!" Am I hearing a slight southern accent?

"okay. Fine. So what the hell am I suppose to do with her" I say to him feeling my blood boil.

"I ..don't know, hold her hair back or some shit, what do girls normally do?" Definitely a very slight southern accent.

"I don't know! Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I know how to do DEEAL with drunk college girls." "You should of just fucking left her at whatever party you were at!"

"Jesus, It wasn't safe for her to be this drunk and left at a party!" "Just get her a trash can and some water" He says to me with mocking tone.

"HA, seriously, just get the hell out of here." I say way more harshly than I meant.

No, wait, I meant it that harsh, just because he has pretty eyes doesn't mean I need to be nice to him. Am I losing my mind?

He turns on his heels toward the door, obviously just as irritated as me, and before he steps out he takes a deep breath with his back to me "You know, I was trying to be a gentlemen by bringing her back home but I was also hoping to see you again." And with that bomb the door shuts. Hard.

I'm not drunk but the room is definitely spinning. What does that even mean? Why would HE want to see ME? And then my thoughts are interrupted by the god awful sound of gagging and burping, followed by that noise of vomit splashing to the floor. FUUUUUCKKKKKK.

I crawl in bed behind Rebecca and hold her hair back as she pukes out her sins and I can't help but think of the many nights Bethany had to hold my hair back for the same reason.

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