Chapter 21

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I wake up in the unfamiliar cozy bed I fell asleep in. I can smell bacon coming from the kitchen. I get out of bed and walk toward the heavenly smell while yawning and stretching.

I stop dead in my tracks at the sight of him. He is shirtless showing me every muscle, sweat pants hanging low on his hips, a dish towel draped over his broad shoulder. My mouth waters just from the sight of him. His back is to me while he is at the stove flipping pancakes and cursing. I'm raking in the heavenly sight in front of me that I don't notice the smoke and burning smell starting to fill the kitchen.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He says as he's scrambling to shut the oven off and pulls out a pan of completely burnt bacon. I can't stop giggling at how frustrated he is.

"Are you just going to enjoy the show?" He asks me with a crooked smirk on his face

"Have you ever cooked in this kitchen?" I ask him as he seems to not know where anything is. He stutters a little bit but never really answers my question. Which seems a little weird.

"Here let me help you." I say to him. He lets out an exasperated breath.

"Kitchen is all yours, baby" as he kisses me on the cheek and gets out plates and utensils for us.

I really can't believe the last 24 hours of my life right now. I make us a decent breakfast of eggs, bacon, some cut up fruit, and orange juice. After we finish eating and cleaning up the mess Adam phone starts ringing for the 3rd time this morning. Amanda. I couldn't help but see the name flashing on his phone and without thinking about it I ask.

"Who is Amanda?"

"My sister." He says quickly and short. As he grabs it off the counter and heads to the bathroom for a shower. He turns on the shower and I think I hear voices but maybe it's the TV. I go to grab my phone, realizing I haven't looked at it all since I've been with him. Since last night!

9 miss calls and voicemails from Penny. A text message from Ally saying to call Penny ASAP. What the hell is going on?. I call Penny and she answers on the first ring.

"Kami, I've been calling you all night."

"Penny, I know I'm sorry, I have been... "

She interrupts me "Rebecca was in an accident last night." Whatever she says after that I don't hear. My body goes stone cold. I dropped my phone and dropped to my knees. The room is spinning and everything is a blur. I can feel my body trembling

Before I know it, Adam's arms are around me "Kami what is it? What's wrong?"

He grabs my phone and I hear him say "okay we will he right there."

"Kami, we need to go to the hospital." He says calmly.

Everything seems to echo and go in a slow motion. Adam's been on the phone the whole drive to the hospital though I have no idea who or what he's saying. My body feels numb and it all feels familiar. We walk into the hospital doors and the anxious feeling I've felt intensifies.

Once we get to Rebecca's room my eyes go wide as I see her. She is sitting up in bed smiling, but she has a bruise on her face and a cast on her leg. All I can hear is the beeping of machines and I just need it to stop.

Beeping noises wake me up. It's so bright. Where am I? I look down to see the IV in my arm. I'm trying to blink my eyes open but I can't seem to. I think I'm in the hospital. Yes. I remember I'm in the hospital. Is that my dad sleeping in the chair. My head hurts my body hurts everything hurts what happened? Wait. Beth. "BETHANY!" 

I hear the nurses and doctors run in. Someone yells "She is awake". They are pulling on my IV and shining a light in my eyes "WHERE IS BETHANY!" I'm kicking and screaming. I think. I can barely feel anything. I hear a nurse say "we are going to have to sedate her again" .... Again? "Wait!" I yell out....

"Kami" Rebecca's sweet voice breaks me out of my memory.

"Did you stay over night with a boy?" She smiles and winks at Adam. I'm still just standing there staring at her. "Kami, I'm okay. Just some bumps and bruises a really awesome cast! You can wheel me to class right?" She is trying to joke with me. But I can't laugh. This feeling. This moment reminds me of why I've pushed everyone out of my life since Bethany died. I don't ever want to feel the way I felt that day.

"Thankfully I had not actually been drinking alcohol last night because I just wanted you to have fun so I'm not in any trouble. But the asshole that hit me is going to be. It could have been worse but seriously I'm okay!" I hear Rebecca say to me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should of ..." my words fail me. I turn on my heels "I have to go." And I make a quick exit all the way out of the hospital.

I hear Adam yelling for me not too far behind. Thankfully there is a cab outside and I jump in. "Go!" I demand the driver and we are off right before Adam can get to me.

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