Chapter 22

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I get back to my dorm and throw some stuff in a bag as soon as I zip it the door swings open.

"What the hell?" Adam demands some answers but I can't give me any thing. I see his eyes glazed over he must be so confused. I follow his eyes to the bag I just packed.

"Are you seriously running away? Becca needs you." He says with a judgmental tone.

"Are you really one to judge me running away? I bicker back reminding him of the time he ran from me. A low blow from me

"Where are you going? Please. Just tell me." He is pleading

I take a deep breath. "Home."

"Will you let me drive you?" He asks so sweetly taking my hands into his.

I push away from him letting his hands fall. If I let him too close to me my brain doesn't function right.

"No! I don't want you to take me." I lie. I just don't want him to know where I live. All it would take is for a quick google search for him to find what I've been keeping from him. I walk past him to the door. "Goodbye Adam." Tears are filling my eyes as I walk away from him. Walking away from this man could be the greatest mistake of my life. But I have to go and take my baggage with me. He's better off forgetting all about me.

I get to the train station and purchase my one way ticket. Back home.

Adam POV

I turn on the shower to muffle the sound of Amanda's phone call. I have to answer or she'll continue to call like she has been.

"I've told you to stop calling me I will be back in Texas soon and we can talk in person!" I demand harshly as soon as I answer the phone. Amanda starts babbling. But I hear Kami in the other room it sounds like she dropped something. I hang up on Amanda and slightly feel bad about the amount of times I've done that lately.

I see Kami on her knees. She looks like she is in physical pain and shock. Her phone is on the ground and I can hear Penny's voice talking. I pick it up and she tells me that Rebecca was hit last night. Someone blew a red light. She is okay but she spent the night in the hospital.

I get Kami to the hospital and something isn't right with her. She is fearful for her friend but she is trembling like she is stuck in a bad memory. There really is so much I don't know about her and I think I'm missing a big piece. I just want to help her.

Kami's trembles grows when we get to Becca's room and I can see pain in her eyes. But I don't know what the pain is from. Rebecca looks good considering what she's gone through and I can tell she notices Kami's discomfort.

Before I realize what's going on I'm chasing Kami out the door. She is running. And this time I'm worried she won't stop running.

Once I catch up with her in her dorm room. My worst fear is right in front of me. She has her bag packed and her mind made up. She is leaving. I just wish I knew what she was running from so I could fix it.

This time she walked away from me. And all the air left my body. I feel panicked and scared. I've never felt this kind of pain. It's like someone punching my gut over and over with a dagger in my chest.

It's been two days. I've texted, I've called, and left voicemails. If only I knew where she lived I would be there in a fucking heartbeat.

I've missed classes and work. I've barely eaten. I wish she would open up to me. I just want to fix it for her. I want to see that pain in her eyes dissipate. I want to be the one to take her pain away. I want.....

And then it hits. My heart races. My body shakes. I can feel the air leaving my body.

"Am I in love with this girl?" I say out loud questioning my whole life

Tears threaten my eyes. "FUCK!" And smash my fist through my drywall.

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