Chapter 31

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I get back to the dorm and Rebecca is hobbling along getting stuff ready. She is still casted but she is on crutches. She really has managed everything so well. As soon as I open the door I hear her squeal "I can't wait for you to meet my ...." she stops mid sentence, boring her eyes into me. She places her hand on her hip and refocuses her eyes with a tilt of her head.

"Kami Louise Cooper! You had sex."

My jaw literally falls to the floor. "How in the world." I say exasperated

"You are practically glowing. No you ARE glowing! Tell me everywhere."

My cheeks flush with embarrassment and joy. I can't believe she can tell. I look in the mirror at myself and I think maybe I see it too, the glow. But I roll my eyes. "Let's get going we have a long drive." I tell her

"Great! I can get every single detail over the next couple hours." She says with way too much enthusiasm.

We get all of our stuff pack and I realize I've forgotten something at Adam's

"Shit!" I say out loud.

"What, what's wrong?" Rebecca is concerned. I think she's been waiting for me to change my mind. Not going to lie I've thought about it.

"I forgot my makeup bag at Adam's."

"Ohhhh suuuuure." She says mocking and giggling

"I really did. Do you mind if we stop on the way out." I ask her feeling stupid. I don't even wear a lot of makeup but I'm not going to buy to replace my stuff for two weeks.

"Of course not! But you will not have time for a quickie!" She lectures. And again my cheeks flush at the thought of a quickie with Adam

I shoot Adam a quick text letting him know I needed to swing in.

We pull into Adam's apartment building and Rebecca whistles. "This is freaking nice! I didn't know he was rich!" She says way too bluntly

"I get the feeling his dad is rich and his dad made him live here. Okay I'll be right back. 5 minutes tops!"

For some reason I'm feeling uneasy waiting on the elevator to take me up. Maybe because he hadn't replied. I don't want to intrude. I can't  shake my feeling. Finally the elevator door opens to Adam's apartment and suddenly 4 pair of eyes are directly on me.

Adam, and what looks like his mother, father, and sister.

Adam is visibly shocked to see me he jumps up off the couch where he was sitting next to his sister. Who is absolutely beautiful. She has short blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes. She is dressed in a skin tight dress that looks very expensive and sophisticated. She is tall and skinny. And she is glaring at me.

"Kami! What are doing here?" Adam rushes over to me.

Who I can assume is his father. "Son, who is this. We don't have time to be friendly with the help." In a much more southern accent than Adam

I look down at my yoga pants and oversized sweatshirt. I'm not sure if I want to punch him or cry. "She isn't the help!" Adam barks back. I can feel him trying to move me back toward the elevator.

His sister, is rushing over to where Adam and I are, still glaring at me.

"Then who the hell ARE YOU?!" She snaps at me.

"Not now Amanda!" Adam growls through his teeth shooting her a terrible look.

I stutter out the words "I'm Kami."

She is in my face with her hands on her hip leaning closer to me and the sparkling rock on her finger the size of earth almost blinds me.
"And I'm Amanda! Adam's fiancé. Again who the hell ARE YOU!"

I think I see Adam tumble back a few steps.

My mouth falls open I look at Adam and he rubs his face and the back his neck. I think I'm spinning, I think the room is spinning. My stomach bile is raising and I can feel vomit creeping up. Everything seems to be moving around me in slow motion. I vaguely hear Adam pleading to me. I shoot a death glare at him as he reaches for my arm. I back up slowly everyone is arguing around me. I finally feel the ability to move and I turn and press the button for the elevator. I jump in and Adam rushes to the door. He locks eyes with me as tears roll down my face.

"Kami, wait please!"

The elevator shuts. And I vomit.

**follow for sequel updates

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