Chapter 23

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I've been back home and sleeping for two days straight. My dad has tipped toed around me. We aren't great communicators so I knew he wouldn't ask too many questions on why I was back home after only a few months at school.

I have several missed calls and texts mostly from Adam and Rebecca. Jason has even tried checking on me. And of course the persistent Jessica Lane reminding me of my missed therapy session.

My dad knocks on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I say while rolling my eyes.

"I spoke to Jessica." He says to me

I sit up in bed. "What. Why. How?" I'm so frustrated. They are trying to gang up on me.

"We are all worried about you Kami. You've got to face what you are dealing with or you will never be happy. You will end up like your mother if you don't work on yourself."

What! How dare he compare me to her! I'm not her. I don't sleep around with men while my husband is at work and my daughter is the room next to me! I don't drink to start fights. I don't leave my husband and daughter behind to fend for theme selves. She left before I even had my first period. Do you know how much that fucking sucks to have to ask your dad about your period?

"There is someone here to see you." He says almost in a whisper.

For a split second I think maybe it's Adam. And then I remembered that would be a bad idea and thankfully, he doesn't know where I live.

"Kami, honey, it's me." I hear a sweet familiar voice.

My eyes go wide. Mrs. Michaels. Why would she be here?

"I'm coming in dear." She tells me as she walks straight through my door. My dad must have called her, why would he call Bethany's mom?

My body aches when I see her. Someone I used to think of as a mother growing up. But I haven't seen her since the funeral and I'm sure she wouldn't of wanted to see me. So why is she here now?

She sits at the end of the bed. She hasn't made eye contact with me yet but my eyes haven't left this woman. Always beautiful and put together. I envied Bethany for the kind of parents she had. Her father died when we were 14. That was hard on both of them and Mrs. Michaels really aged after he died. But she always kept herself put together. She got Bethany through losing her father. They were such a strong mother daughter duo and I envied it.

She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "Hi sweetheart." She looks at me with teary pitiful eyes.

I can barely choke up the words as I sit with my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around my legs hugging myself for comfort. "Why are you here?" I ask her barely even audible.

"We are worried about you" she glances up at my dad who is standing in the doorway still. She gives him a nonverbal cue to leave us alone. Panic sits in. I don't want to be alone trapped in this room with her. The mother of Beth.

"You were Bethany's best friend. You were the sister she never had." I try to interrupt her to make her stop but I can't form the words.

"I got to see my baby become a teenager. She dreamed about your guys' future. Moving to the big city. I watched the two of you bond so beautifully since you were small children. Just as much as Bethany was there for you, you were there for her. I didn't have to worry so much after her father passed because I knew she had you. I knew you'd do anything to protect her. She was always so happy and kind, that saw the good in all and you were the protector of her. The Ying and Yang of Kami and Bethany."

My mind can't process what she is saying. I was a burden to Bethany. I was a bad friend. She deserved better.

"It was my fault." I cry out with tears that I've help back for a year flow out of my entire body.

*** what do you think of this moment between Bethany's mom and Kami?

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