Chapter 3

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I find my way through the crowded building, and up to my dorm room. Floor 5. It's crowded with young hormonal adults. Two guys have started a game of catch down the hallway with a football. Why the hell are jocks here? It's suppose to be art school. Girls pass by giggling and batting their eyelashes. Could they be any more obvious with desperation? I'm guessing they have rich parents and looking for the first chance to rebel against good ol' mommy and daddy.

Room 13. Of course, I struggle to get my key through the lock. Once I get through, I see a half decorated room and I see her for the first time, my roommate. She bounces up as soon as I walk through the door she clasps her hands together and practically screeches "I'm so happy to meet you, I'm Rebecca!"

I'm taken back at first, she looks so much like her. She's slightly shorter than me, long blonde wavy hair, bright blue eyes, olive skin, more of a curvier figure than me the curves that all slim girls wish they had. She's dressed in a hideous bright yellow summer dress. We couldn't be more opposite, much like Bethany and me. I'm suddenly swarmed with images of her and I together. Our opposite looks, personalities, and clothes always made people wonder how we were friends. Bethany was sweet, spunky, and loud. She wasn't afraid to put me in my place but usually in the most loving way possible. I was rude, rebellious, and haunted by my demons. She was the only light in my life.. though.. I don't think I ever told her that.

Rebecca smooths her dress, with her fidgety hands "Um, are you okay" Suddenly I realized I've been zoned out and staring at her for an uncomfortable amount of time. "Sorry....Hi.....I'm.... Kami" my voice cracks a little as I try to escape my memories.

I barely get my shit put down on my bed as she starts drilling me.

"Where are you from?" she asks me.

"A small town."

"oh, me too! I am so happy your finally here, I've been dying to meet you."

I grip my fists at my sides, take a deep breathe "Look, I'm not into small talk and I'm not really looking to make friends. We are JUST going to be roommates."

I immediately see her college experience tainted in her eyes by my rude response. But it's best she knows how I feel upfront. I had a friend once. I don't need another.

The rest of the evening I put my stuff away in silence. She seems to keep herself occupied for a short time. I can see her look at me in the corner of her eye when I get out my most precious possessions, my paint brushes. I roll my eyes to myself and just awkwardly blurt out into the large space between us, "I paint." I can tell she is kind of shocked by me revealing this personal information though I imagine she could of figured it out on her own, I can tell she prevents herself from asking any further questions. She just says "cool, I design clothes."

Dear God, hopefully she did NOT design that dress she is wearing.

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