Chapter 4

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Just as I am finished up putting my things away there is loud voices outside of the door and a hard knock. Before I can even say anything Rebecca is bouncing to the door like she is trying to escape. Two guys and a girl stumble through the door.

"REBBBCAAAAA!" The girl practically screams as she throws her arms around her. She is clearly with one of the guys as he can barely let go of her waist while she throws herself into Rebecca's arms. Rebecca and this girl exchange some "oh my god you look so cute" and "oh my god so do you's" I think I just rolled my eyes to the back of my head.

"I'm SOO glad you guys are here I'm ready to go! Oh, Um, this is my roommate Kami" Rebecca says to her three friends as she suddenly remembers I'm in the room. 

"Kami this is Ally, Shawn, and Adam" Ally looks me up and down clearly sizing me up like all girls do in annoying young relationships. Once she's finished eyeing me I can't tell if she sees me as a threat or not, her facial expression is unclear.

 Breaking the tension Adam, their third wheel, steps toward me with his hand out. He's been standing in my room for nearly five minutes and I hadn't noticed how good looking he was. Golden hair and eyes, definitely works out, but probably preppy based off his light blue polo shirt. I hesitantly take his hand for a handshake and a small shock of electricity goes through every single nerve ending in my body. I slowly bring my eyes up to meet his, my breath catches, and I think maybe he felt that too so I immediately drop his hand as if he actually shocked me. Maybe it was like static or something.... What the fuck is wrong with me? This whole encounter with this group is getting weirder by the second. And apparently all the oxygen has left the building because I'm feeling like I need air.

Rebecca breaks the silence and for once I'm thankful for the little chatty Cathy in the room. 

"We are going to a party at the beach, you can come if you want to, I know you aren't really..." 

"NO, I , I can't, I can't go to a party" I interrupt her. 

And my new favorite person, Ally, chimes in giggling "what your mommy won't let you go to a party?" 

Now I'm starting to see how she really feels about me. Ally is actually stunning, dark hair, blue eyes, perfect body. "I meant I don't WANT to go to a party" I say through my teeth. Avoiding the fact that I can't actually go to a party because I'm on probation.

 Rebecca looks at me, I can tell she was hoping I'd agree to go "That's fine I will see you tonight or tomorrow, don't wait up!" She says to me with an endearing laugh and bounces out the door. As door starts to close behind the four of them, Adam turns back to meet my eyes and again my breath catches and my chest feels heavy by his intense gaze, "Have a good night Kami." Holy shit, even his voice is attractive. 

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