Chapter 9

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I'm sitting in Jessica's stuffy office in a metal uncomfortable chair. Waiting for her to come in for our meeting. Her desk name plate reads 'Jessica Lane, Probation Officer' I'm meeting her for the first time today since I transferred to Chicago.

Through the door a tall red head middle aged woman walks in focusing on the papers in her hand and coffee in the other. She plops it all down on her desk and reaches her hand out to greet me

 "You must be Kami, I'm Jessica Lane, it's nice to finally meet you."

She goes straight into business. "You've already logged your first day in at the library. You haven't missed any classes. Good job." Seeing as there have only been a week of classes I would hope not but she is speaking to me so valid point. "You have a roommate I see, Rebecca."

"Umm. Yeah. It's college. Why does that matter?" Hopefully she senses my annoyance for these unimportant questions.

She continues  "Are you guys becoming friends.." Something about the way she said that pissed me off and brings me to my feet.

"Are you trying to be a fucking therapist!" I yell leaning over the desk toward her.

Jessica doesn't even flinch, "You may have gotten away with that behavior before but I will not tolerate it Miss Cooper. Sit back down before I add more service time to your case." I grudgingly sit back down. My body filled with heat to the point I'm sweating. But she continues her lecture. "You are aware that part of your requirements is to get therapy. Anger management. PTSD. And perhaps most importantly grief counseling." I don't even know what she means by grief counseling. Just the word grief alone sends a shiver down my spine.

"Yes I know about therapy."

"Good," she says, "we will start tomorrow."

"TOMORROW! What! And we?" I ask

"Yes We. I will also be doing your therapy. It's actually what I went to school for originally. I'm highly qualified. Now, get going you don't want to be late." She says with authority 

Every fiber in my body wants to chew this woman out but I just turn to leave and head for the library. You know they say not to mess with red heads. And I have a feeling she is the kind of woman you don't mess with.

I get to the library and see Janice the old lady librarian sporting those ugly shoes. She informs me that it will just be her and I tonight because Adam had to call off for family reasons. Seriously, family reasons? I know he is avoiding me and you know what, it's probably for the best.

The rest of the evening is pretty peaceful and slow. Every once and awhile I would think of Adam in his jeans and polo shirt with that damn camera he always had wrapped diagonal across his body. I guess I don't know about always but every time I've seen him he's had that camera, maybe he's a photography major. I need to get a fucking grip though I've never wasted this much time thinking about someone.

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