Chapter 11

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It's been two weeks of classes and logging in hours at the library and no sign of Adam. Was he a figment of my imagination or should we call the police? The thought really did crossed my mind but one day Shawn mentioned he had spoken with Adam and that he had gone home to visit his family. Which seems weird to do the first week of school.

 I've been having lunch most days at The Yard with Rebecca's friends. I don't really engage in their conversations much but they don't seem to mind my presence. After my first therapy session I've pretty much sat in silence. I'm not sure why we are both wasting our time with it.

I'm heading over to Rebecca and her friends when I see a man with his back to me talking to Rebecca, making her giggle little girl giggles and batting her long eye lashes. I'd recognize that golden hair from anywhere, It's Adam. I stop dead in my tracks I feel like I can't breathe. As soon as I turn to walk the other way she spots me. Rebecca is yelling "KAMI, over here!" Her bright eyes happy to see me and another one of her dresses stands out from the crowd. As she says my name, he slowly turns around, and right away his eyes find me. My feet feel like their glued to the ground. His eyes haven't left mine and a half smile forms on those lips but just as quickly he turns back to Rebecca, and he is completely unphased by me. I finally gain control over my feet  and walk toward them deciding to mind my own business like I have the last two weeks.

Adam and Shawn are talking about Texas. Apparently that's where Adam is from and he had to go back to visit because his grandmother had passed away. The mention of his grandmother cracks his voice and I picture my own wonderful grandmother who I lost 3 years ago.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I just say to open space awkwardly and not making eye contact with anyone. Adam turns to look at me and his eyes travel up and down my body for an uncomfortable second. He cocks his head a little, "Thank you Kami, that's sweet of you." Rebecca nudges me to look at her and she mouths "Oh My God." "Hot." I just roll my eyes at her and laugh. She really is growing on me. But guilt attacks my heart at even thought of her as a friend.

Most of everyone's break is over and we all start heading our separate ways. I head off to my next class with all my shit in my hands. I'm well aware of all the clicking noises everywhere. Damn photography students. At art school there is a constant of music, cameras clicking or filming, paint everywhere, people acting out plays, it's always noisy. 

Suddenly I realize someone is hot on my tail and I quickly turn on my heel without stopping, spilling all the shit in my hands in the process and then I'm face to face with him. Adam.

He quickly bends down toward all my stuff that I dropped. "Jesus, you really aren't graceful." With some humor to his tone.

"Actually, I'm really not." We share an awkward laugh as we gather my stuff and stand back up.

"I'm sorry." We both blurt out in unison and laughter.

"Let me say something." He interrupts. "I'm sorry I pressed you about Bethany. You aren't a very open and I knew I was skating on thin ice. I'm sorry about the first night we met too. Normally I'm really good at reading people but I can't figure you out. Can we just start over." He's out of breath by the time he finishes his speech.

I can't help but laugh a little at this awkward tension between us.

"I'm sorry too. But sure yeah I guess we can start over." I mean we do work together we should at least be cordial.

Instantly he sticks his hand out with a giant smile. "I'm Adam Thompson." 

I let out a little laugh and shake his hand. The instant my skin touches his my nerves tingle again. Like they've done since I first laid eyes on this man. 

"I'm Kami Cooper." I say with a small nervous smile

"I think we should hang out and get to know each other." He says to me confidently

"Oh no! I don't think I want to go on a date."

"Not as a date." He quickly says and embarrassment flushes my cheeks

"Just to get to know each other. We work together. Friends with the same people. We should hang out." He presses on

I'm not friends with anyone I think to myself "Yeah.....okay. That's fine." I very hesitantly agree. Maybe if I'm around him more my body won't react to him so intensely.

"Great! I'll pick you up Saturday at 11:00am" he says excitedly and turns to walk away.

I smile to myself as I head back toward class. He really does seem excited. But it's not a date, just friends.

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