Chapter 10

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Today is my first official therapy session. 

Jessica sits across from me, her red hair pulled back in a low ponytail, she's dressed in a light grey lady suit.

"Tell me a little bit about yourself Kami"

"I'm Kami and I go to Art school"

She's not really amused by my answer "tell me more things about yourself, hobbies, interests, friends."

"I paint." I know she is doing her job but I don't understand the purpose of this.

"Do you want to tell me why you are on probation?"

I ball my fists and squirm in my seat. I think I may explode. 

"You already know that." I say through my teeth.

"Your right but we need to talk about it."

I can't take this bullshit I'm on my feet and before I realize it I'm in her face yelling "THIS IS BULLSHIT. IM NOT DOING THIS." My body is sweating from the heat and I head straight for the door. Jessica still hasn't moved or seem affected by me what so ever.

Just as I touch the door knob. "Kami. It's only been 20 minutes. You are required to be here for an hour." She placed an emphasis on the word, required.

I turn back toward her and if looks could kill I'm sure my look to her would have. She is again, unfazed by me.

"You can sit, you can stand, you can lay down, I don't care, but you are stuck with me." She says.

I lean up against the wall with my arms cross and remain there for the next 40 minutes.

I can't believe I have to do this weekly until she believes I've made enough progress. 

Flashing Lights (completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora