Change of paths

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Insecurities are the seed of pain. The deeply embedded remorse is nothing but a poison which makes the soul hollow, eating away happiness.

Earlier Alistair had thought that Karma would now live more freely... that she had him by her side it would lessen her burdens but it was just a mere illusion and it broke as soon as she stepped into the office next day.

Her head was bowed down a bit, avoiding his eyes and his presence altogether. He watched her sitting at the opposite head of the round table putting her views strongly out there on how should the company must reduce the extra expenses but not once she looked at him.

She looked like the epitome of a doll... beautiful, pristine, existing yet lifeless and emotionless.

She was made of solid chrome...stoic.

"So basically you cannot let the fighters take advantage of the facilities for engaging in inappropriate activities but at the same time they must be provided a level of extravagance so they remain loyal to Arkalos and fight only for us.

Make a heirchey sure but don't divide them on the basis of their performance, they would feel as if you are placing a prize on their abilities and you think that they are not worthy enough."

The assistants wrote down the objectives stated by her furiously.

"Sir, what are your views?"

Alistair tilted his head observing Karma who treated him like thin air and refused to acknowledge that only yesterday he had shown her his true self and they were friends atleast.

If she wants business he would do that only.

Showing empathy wasn't his style, if she didn't liked it then so be it.

He disliked her anyways and the avalanche of emotions she bought in him....he discarded it.

Nothing.. he must feel nothing for that ungrateful girl.

She was his ladder to success if it took her support to reach at the top then so be it, as she had promised.

Without uttering a word he stood up, motioning the people that the meeting was adjourned.

As Alistair walked out, Karma raised her golden head peeking up at him reminiscing his words...

"I will slaughter all of them and bring their heads as a trophy for you to see and laugh as the heavens rejoice."



Her petite fingers wrapped around the glass, hold tightening in fury. He was another one of them, earlier she had entrusted him with her secret but alas that man disappointed her.

Or maybe she had never even given him a chance.. declaring him a back stabber.

Nobody was that selfless, why would he offer her the world at her feet?
What would he gain out of it?

There must be some conspiracy behind his actions but rest assured she would silence him either with his position for Arkalos or with a dagger to his heart.

A heart she had started feeling forbidden emotions for.

Karma shook her head, how could she even think for a second that he was different, none of them were. They were all hungry hyenas waiting for the opportunity to snatch the golden fruit.

But what if...

No ifs and buts, he wasn't hers.

No Alistair could never belong to her. She hated him but at the same time craved him.

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