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Happiness and sorrow are like yin and yang, where one goes the other follows right behind. After Alistair taught Mariah a lesson Karma was happy enough but that joy did not stayed.

The night fell upon the small town with stars glimmering in nyx sky and the surrounding became silent trying to warn the tigress of a bad premonition that was soon to follow

It was almost a whisper, a fleeting feeling but Karma felt an eerie atmosphere engulfing her. They were still staying in the resort they had booked to take a break from their two day long journey. Alistair knew that the girl was hungry so he had gone down to bring a bucket of chicken chips for her but Karma couldn't shake the apprehension she felt.

Leaving the lavished room the woman stepped out only to see the long well furnished, mahogany hallways lightened with yellow lamps and decorated with flowers. She rounded off a corner only to take a step back and remain frozen.

"Hello sweetheart" The blue eyes she came to resent were right there, staring at her very soul.


When the cyan eyes fluttered open, the reality mingled with the nightmares, the first person Karma saw was a beautiful woman infront of her whose head was lulled back and body laid in a dirty chair without any control of her own.

"Destiny!" Karma felt an urge to cry, she was not afraid what would Alaric do to her but Destiny, she had protected the girl all her life, gave her all happiness and made her stay away from any evil and harm but the girl was right there, infront of Karma with her body bound and cheeks matted with dirt and dried tears.

Karma did not know since when the girl was in this dark cell with a yellow light dangling on their head, rats running in the corner with stench filling the dark compartment, there were no windows, no source to see outside.

The girl did not respond making Karma look around to see the bastard in fury. She felt such hatred that could not be extinguished unless she killed Alaric. The ropes binding her hands and feet dug into her skin drawing blood when she struggled to get free.

"Now now sweetheart, I would not want you to get hurt......unless I am inflicting it upon you." A shadow rose from behind her, his head tilted down to show the disturbing smile on his face but Karma remained silent wanting to know what the disgusting creature was planning.

Alaric rounded off the chair, dragging himself a seat to sit infront of the woman whose eyes looked at him with cold rage.

"Why? We were going so good, you were at a good position and I had realized my mistake they why you had to do alll this." a finger traced her face stopping short on her lips making bile rise her throat.

"Why did you go to another man."

"You are a monster, an animal in the skin of a human, don't talk about Alistair, you will dirty his name." Alaric clenched his teeth.

so it was going to happen his way then.

"Why did you took away my everything, you are a bitter woman Karma. All this just because I rejected you?" he laughed like a maniac, his eyes had sunken into their sockets due to the quantity of food he could now arrange for. Karma felt satisfaction seeping into her bones.

He deserved to rot.

"Your rejection was a blessing, your touch was vile."

"THEN WHY!!" he slammed his hands down her chair's armsets glaring at her in rage making the woman throw back her head and laugh.

"I had an oath at my name bastard, a promise that I will make you beg on streets and see where you are now." a smirk was clearly printed on her face making Alaric furious, a bony rough palm connected with Karma's cheek heavily making her face snap aside as the sound of a harsh slap echoed throughout.

"Atlanta" she seemed unfazed, despite the blood dripping down her lips, she smiled.

"Do you remember the name?" Alaric recoiled with the darkness inside those irises and indeed he did.

"You did all this for that bitch." it was a statement making the monster astonished as he laughed in surprise.

"But I could not show you the whole scene then, what would you say if I repeat it with a copy of the bitch." his head looked away tracing Destiny's body who unaware of her senses.

"What would Violet do when she knows about this face of yours?" Karma was now just trying to buy time, despite the fear compelling her to surrender she had faith in Alistair who would be searching earth and underworld by now looking for her.

"She would never know." Alaric looked at the woman smiling.

"Oh! but she already does. Do you believe that my own blood sister would ignore me and follow you? you are a fool Alaric and till now I thought that I had a worthy opponent."

Karma saw Alaric's colour draining as he looked at the woman, for once truly looking at her for what she was, how deeply she had infiltered his life and embedded seeds of destruction and he could not help but feel bitter.

If she would have been beside him, Alaric would have been invincible.

"Lets first start with you then, I will make you my wife first after that we will talk about others. I am going to give you my child so that you can never run away from me."

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