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Alistair had imagined that when Nixon would call him it would turn out to be a huge clash of hearts, one brother hating the other and his heart prepared for it but when Nixon called him it was as if someone had swept the rug under his feet.

"Alistair, thankyou...thankyou so much, I thought that maybe Karma would be difficult to impress but we just resonated in a single meeting and you wont even believe it-"

a ringing sound made Alistair numb for minutes where he could only here but not respond ,it seemed as if his ears were bleeding.

"She has a godly persona, I can't even, I can't even imagine it till some days ago and now.....its finally happening Alistair, she had agreed to be my girlfriend." after that there was nothing left to listen anymore Alistair hanged the call abruptly watching his own reflection in the mirror staring with disbelief.

The blue shirt was half buttoned up, his hair messy from the bath and tie discarded on the bed were long forgotten as he stormed out of his bedroom door banging it in the process, he almost sprinted down the stairs skipping three at a time and rushed outside like a madman.

The process of him getting inside his car and driving to Karma's house was a blur where his mind filled with endless possibilities.....there was no way he would let her go.

The guards outside Karma's mansion were that of the nights before, they shuddered when the say the wild look of the man but as soon as they replied that another had escorted Karma out of her mansion, all Alistair could see was red.


Regardless of what the woman had said, Karma found Nixon almost endearing, the tales of his and Alistair's childhood were all comical and sometimes even she could not deny that Alistair was a stark contrast with her in their teen ages, while she was filled with fantasies and hope, he since childhood knew the worth of money.

Karma wondered if he had friends or was he so busy in building an untouchable world for himself that he constructed high walls around his heart.

"-And then after Alistair stole the apples he ran away but I still stood like a complete idiot that I was and the housekeeper caught me, oh boy! she scolded me so much and even made me water her orchard and plant a hundred apple sapling to pay homage to her fallen fruit." Nixon shuddered in horror making Karma laugh.

The melodious symphony resonated throughout the as she threw her head back finding the situation hilarious, her flushed face and glowing skin like moon spirit dwindling on her cheeks made Nixon watch in awe.

"Looks like Alistair's habit of stealing has not got better only worse." Karma understood the hidden meaning behind those words, like a double edged sword not meant to be tackled and fought with either way.

"Its not stealing if the thing is not yours in the first place. About him deceiving you, I completely agree that his way was wrong and Nixon he will pay for it, so I would definetly suggest you to stop pitying yourself when you are already in the process of extracting revenge."

Nixon grinned remembering how silent the phone line went on the other side when he told Karma was his girlfriend.

"what kind of a woman you are, not at all flowing with emotions?"

"An intelligent one." Karma tilted her head finding Nixon's question interesting rather than offensive because the tone he used was rather curious than being disrespectful.

"I have met many girls and most of them are an epitome of innocence....rather thoughtful and thinking of others before themselves."

"I hope they remain that way all their life, when you don't see how ugly the world is the ugliness does not dissolves inside you as well.

They think about others because they have people that think about their welfare as well. They are innocent because they haven't seen how innocents are crushed.

But if you know darkness, reside in it surrounded by vultures ready to rip you apart with toxic venom and still follow the path of innocence and selflessness.....there is a particular word for it." she smiled reminiscising her ownself.

"What?" Nixon looked up at her with his forest green eyes clashing with her electric blues.

"An idiot....a fucking dumb and imbecile who has read too many sappy stories and seen too many cliché stories. This is the world where power prevails and you need to realize the cost of defeat is not only your life but of those who value you as well."

A small kiss was pressed to Nixon's cheek making him watch her wide eyes while regained their composure after looking behind the woman.

Nixon could feel the hairs at the nape of his neck stand when his eyes connected with the thundering zircon eyes of Alistair whose clothes were in a disarray. his eyes burning holes into the head of woman who refused to entertain the majestic beast of a man while Nixon was glared fiercely.

Nixon wondered how the woman knew his brother was behind her but could not imagine that the beauty could sense him even If he was in a crowd.

"This is my fucking office! not your goddamn park where you can have a walk whenever you want! GET OUT!"

"Please don't mind him sweetheart, he has always been particularly strict about these mundane things-"

"She is not your fucking sweetheart." Alistair spat in revulsion, his hazy brain not encountering anything.

The temperature of the room dropped, as Nixon stood with rage evident on his face not backing down a bit.

"It's my damn bloody business what I call my girlfriend, I did not ask you for your opinion."

Karma felt an headache forming, all the smiles disappearing as she saw how atrocious Alistair's mood was and yet he was able to look devastatingly handsome.

"You gave me a choice to decide Alistair....this is my choice."

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