Trust him

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Even when the ocean is deep and the waves are murderous, the earth remains calm. The tsunami wipes the land barren, devoid of a single life, eradicating it from its very roots but the earth still remains placid.

But when the earth becomes furious, the fire burning in its core too chaotic to bear the ocean evaporates with the flow of molten magma.

Violet was that Earth, Alaric striking on her heart... cheating on her was a blow for which she would have left him forever alone, not bothering herself about him.

Alaric having a relationship with Karma was something she was angry upon beyond belief but when she knew what had transpired...she was livid, the tears flowing down her eyes that day were the proof that she was going to rip off his hands and burn him alive and she would smile when he dies the cruelest death.

For the fifteen-year-old Karma it was a betrayal, a melancholy so deep that it ate her soul, Alaric had hurt her and murdered her friend but for Violet who was at an age to understand the concept of sexual world...Alaric had no rights to have sex with her sister, even if she consented...because it was above all no consent at all, it was an adult manipulating a child, a child who didnt even understood the concept of a contraceptive.

After Karma left, her medical reports which were hidden inside her wardrobe could not be kept hidden by Violet who did not required much to connect the dots.

Pregnancy report

Name: Miss Karma Develle Age:15

Scan date: 5/10/2017

Tissue examined: Peripheral Blood

Test report: NEGATIVE

Karma was not on any pills nor did Alaric used any rubber, he had sex with her without thinking.

She was a child whose whole life would have been completely changed if these test results were any different.

For Violet, Karma was coerced into having sex to please someone but the truth was Karma never wanted to do it and Violet came to know all about it by Karmas diary... a piece of herself which the girl left behind.

After Karma fled, Violet was afraid that her sister would become suicidal so she followed behind, Geralt their father was no better, the happiness in his eyes which never seemed to leave his face earlier now was completely absent, replaced by deteriorating health.

So Violet gambled, she told her father that Karma was doing extremely which was coincidentally confirmed when Karma reached out to Geralt one day through a mail sending her report-card from the university which she had excelled in.

Violet followed the girl for her initial days, later leaving when Karma seemed satisfied with a cruel smile always decorating her face...that smile was what built pillars of Violets life, a conspiracy woven so skillfully that Alaric fell thinking he was benefitted.


If Violet let him go to prison then how will he be killed, he would get life imprisonment as punishment and that would be easy, too easy for his end.

The charges made him paralyzed to not make new moves while Violet rejoiced in the bottom of her heart...such a dog.

When Violet ran away to Alaric's home in tears that day telling him that Karma had disappeared to god knows where...she almost clawed out his eyes when they showed satisfaction and that satisfaction and comfort she would maintain in his life....making him too blind to see the deep abyss she was going to push him inside.

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