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The prison cell was a dark four walled room situated at the outskirts of the town was usually used as a storage-house but right now it was where a captor kept his captives. Alaric dragged a bucket filled with ice cold water only to pour its contents on Destiny who woke with a shriek as the water filled her wounds.

Her eyes were taking time to adjust to the light while she sobbed in pain and helplessness but when a woman called out her name, it was a ray of hope in the hell she was living. Destiny squinted her eyes better to see in darkness.

'Karma!' she wanted to scream but her mouth was gagged preventing her from expressing her pain, only tears of agony escaped one after the another.

Karma looked at Alaric in hatred, her eyes seem to glare daggers even though her lip was busted and bloody with a red handprint seem to make half of her face swell painfully.

"You have made me a begger on the streets, what did you thought? That there would be a single day where you will win from the likes of me? Be very ready to suffer....your hell starts today, I will break your body in more ways than you can imagine and I will do it till you are even afraid to breathe " Alaric laughed like a maniac seemed to lose all his senses and grin at the woman who seemed to have given him the taste of utter defeat.

"Would he save you now? Don't forget to scream for your Alistair as I rape you infront of the bitch." Destiny's eyes widened as she cried harder, trying to scream as dirt and tears mingled together, she had lost a sister and the horror she felt while hearing Alaric had no bounds.

That monster had no conscience and Destiny was well aware that he had the ability....his monstrosity would not end until he had completely destroyed Karma and the mere thought was enough to make her die thousand deaths.

Karma on the other hand tilted her head not even raising an eyebrow while Alaric threatened her pride and sanity. Her heart was thrumming erratically and rage was something covering her senses, it was not her end, a vile creature as such as Alaric was not even the dust beneath her foot and it was very evident when she grinned manically.

"Not afraid yet? Lets see how brave are you."

"Fear? I will fear you?" she laughed making Alaric clench his teeth.

"Who is Alaric Lockwood....a dog that I, Karma Develle had allowed to bark, piss and roam like a fucking bastard he is on the dirtiest streets of the country, once I was just a girl with no power and look at me now bastard, who do you think I am? a fucking damsel in distress?

I am a General, you.....your bones, even your shadow is under my command. It's me who thrashed your entire empire and turned it into dust, it was my sister Violet that hollowed your foundations since the very beginning.

Those girls whom she defended you against, they were under her, those were never touched by ruled a drug empire? a pest like you is only a fool.....born a fool and you will die as one too.

Their claims were all false, they were prostitutes meant to ruin your reputation, the girls.your true victims never showed up. You think this game was yours for even a fucking second?"

Karma took immense joy in watching his face going green from the anger he felt, the shock making him freeze while Destiny felt hope and awe at the confessions.

Alaric raised his palm, backhanding Karma. The once beautiful face was scarred and turned to another side as blood poured down her nose.

"He touched me like a precious, fragile flower and you ruined the same flower....I wanted you to live and endure hell but you are going to die a horrible death Alaric." It was like she sensed him before she saw him, the breaking of the wooden door made Destiny shriek while Alaric took a stance to kill, picking up the knife nearby.

Thunderous bloodshot, zirconium irises were carnal as they scanned the room to find his Karma in a state of pure abuse. His silky hairs usually styled, were messed up in a way that told he had tired to rip them apart from his own hands like a madman.

Alistair was far from normal, when someone who had only known to be unaffected and detached .....what happens when the thing he cherishes the most is taken away, something that person is never willing to give up.

Alistair had only known to be kind, to give love and care but the moment he found Karma missing was the moment his emotions went at rest....a complete deafening silence and he did not spoke, did not think. Something cruel rooted in his heart and even he had no idea of it.

Watching Alaric infront of him was like the closed vessel filled with unfathomable darkness trying to burst was unleashed from its barrier.

The knife was swished aiming to stab at his sides but Alistair watched Alaric dead in the eyes, the brutality inside them even scaring the monster , Alistair just dodged the weapon as many times it was aimed at him then taking away it away in a swift motion.

Alaric widen his eyes turning fast to catch hold of Karma to threaten the man who had lost all his senses but faster than he could even blink, the razor sharp knife embedded into his shoulder as Alistair twisted the handle making an agonizing scream echo throughout.

Karma did not blinked and just watched, she had never seen Alistair like that and the pleasure filled expression on his face was an indication......that the horror had just begun.

Very few chapters more and book is complete. ❤️

To sweetheart TaureanRichie and takemetotheskywings ....I remember your requested bonus chapter, will be the first thing I write after exams❤️

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