And it begins

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A pearl encased inside an oyster, deep inside the ocean is always precious but its value decreases when its extracted, ripped apart from its source and tossed from one palm to another.

Karma was the personification of a pearl once, she had endured what others would not even had a small idea of, pain and pleasure, it was like a drug to her, the more Karma endured the lethal her brain became.

The pressure of the world throwing stones at her dignity and the constant battle to herself where she hated her soul to the extent to stop looking into the mirror, she sure had come a long way. Now she loved herself and that too tremendously, why?

Maybe the answer was because she had understood in her lonely journey that no matter what happens there would always be a person for you and that was your owns, so she did not saw any point in hurting her heart and her body when the body and mind itself made her invincible.

Previously she had developed deep settled hatred for her destiny but now if someone ever enquired about it, that what had happened than Karma would laugh was like a continuous cycle and change was unquestionable so rather than despising life she accepted it and what she could not accepted.....ofcourse she changed it or rather changed that person' s life to hell.

That pain had gave her an identity, a weapon and after so many years Karma had used the same trick which the destiny played with her on Alaric. She had made the pearl slowly slip out of the oyster and right into her palm.....ready to be crushed.

It was almost comical how in the eye of the storm the whirlwinds are the mightiest yet the most enigmatic and quiet. She had thrown a bait and unknowingly Cassius had obliged to bring his son out in the open admist the strong and dark webs that Karma had woven all these years.

"What do you wish to get out of this Miss Develle? Knowing that your sister is interested in Alaric it might be that you only want to save him after-all the blood remembers the blood first."

In dark green coat made up of the most expensive of the leathers, General Daren was seated, the army chief of the nation was watching the young woman with sharp eyes who was mostly battle and wars to make a single mistake and that would be last mistake of her successful carrier.

Generals who previously praised Karma were now angered from her deal but they soon realized that the woman was no small deal, she was a prodigy which held the aristocrats in her pocket so she was neither creating a fuss nor joking.

The government comprised of various officials who were respected throughout the nation for their magnificence and loyalty but even the most loyal of dogs do sometimes bite. There only regrets was that some had been overtly expressive in bed and while having sex, gave a small part of their life happenings to the prostitutes whether male or female it did not matter.

Even if the information was to be shouted by those who had absolutely no power over their own dignity ,forget about in the constitutional assembly who would believe them, so the arrogance made them talk comfortably but unknown to those Alaric had moved his chess piece long ago.

If they would not free him, he would not let them survive either.

"Mr Forester, I am absolutely no saint, I need to clarify that to you,my sister sure likes Mr Alaric Lockwood but in all honesty I don't like him and certainly do not deem him worthy enough to be with her.

Moreover we are no short of extravagance or money ourselves, Violet is naïve but she is extremely talented, what more is that she is rich and does not need a criminal to depend upon but let me tell you my main motive, as you must know that I have joined the secret services just two years back at just the age of seventeen, it must be extremely clear that I value monetary and power above all.

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