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The chapter was big and had many aspects so I had to break it into two parts.

Karma's POV

A week has passed since we had our last argument, and then I had absolutely no idea that what would be the impact of my words.

Because if I had, I wouldn't dare to push him that far. Never ever was I going to test his intentions.

I didn't even got to go and meet Oliver, Alistair's lethal aura had already made him run far away.

"I am not letting you go."

I looked at him in awe, his words were implying something that I wish I didn't had the guts to understand but I did.

His cuprum eyes locked with me and I stood frozen without breathing, afraid to break the trance as my cheeks heated up unconsciously.

It was cruel of him, I had crushed my hopes and desires, trampled and made my heart hurt with a complete and strict understanding that Alistair was not a good person, he was not for me.

But he had left no stone unturned in these past months to show me that indeed he was untouched by the manipulation of the evils.

There resides such brutally in his heart but still he remained unscathed from it's dirt.

That he was far away from my poisonous thoughts.

And this feeling doesn't goes away....no matter how hard I try it returns with a stronger force and then I am always left awfully aware that yes I do have something that I feel for him.

If it was just that I was attracted to his body I could have understood my frustrations but I craved his smile more than that and every word he uttered plucked a string of insecurity in me.

He made me feel secure despite my wavering thoughts he remained as calm as the almighty universe.

Calm but destructive

Frozen but covered in unfathomable darkness.

He played my heart in perfect symphony.

Alistair got up slowly his regal frame towering mine, chest at my hight with the muscles expanding and contracting to adjust his grey suit.

"Why?" He rounded off his table coming right infront of my sight, breathing deeply he inquired.

"What why?" I asked pretending to be innocent and ignorant for the time being.

"Why don't you give me a chance?  The more I look inside your heart.... the darker your past gets.

What does Oliver has? What qualities does he possess that you eaisely agreed to go out with him?"

He doesn't makes me feel like you.

I feel nothing with him and thus he is safe unlike your presence which drowns me in unchaste thoughts.

"Shameless! Do you have any idea what nonsensical words are you sprouting!"

Not shameless but daring.

What Alistair liked, he spoke without fear, instead of being a spineless coward who would make a woman feel for him without the intention of ever returning the gesture.

Alistair made sure to let them know his true interest which had never been a yes..... Not yet.

He had moved my heart since the time I had met him arousing my hatred altogether.

Earlier I had compared him with Alaric and formed a biased opinion but unknown to me he had dig his place deeper and deeper, a place inside my heart which I couldn't eradicate no matter how much I liked.

"Tell me Karma, just tell me that you don't feel it. The madness when I see you going far away from me.

Deny that you don't like it when I touch you...."

"In this life or the next life...I will never be yours so yes, I deny everything you have said...I feel nothing."

Alistair had finally decided that he had enough of Karma and the heavens were witness that his behavior made her almost vomit blood.

"Miss Karma, which one would you like to have?" Aiden presented three flavours of iced coffee but nothing could help her boiling blood calm down.

Only leaving this wretched place and taking in some fresh air was her last option. She shook her head and moved out trying to grasp a soothing breeze of air in the calamity around her.

"Miss Karma"

The woman who called the fawn haired beauty was simply gorgeous, with a hint of cleavage peeking under her royal blue shirt, the woman infront of Karma was no less than a seductress- Alistair's new secretary.

"How may I help you?"

"Ma'am Mr Alessandro had asked me to shift all my belongings to his office. I would be given a separate desk beside him and my own small work space so I would not be sharing office with Mr Aiden-"

"And how is that related to me?"

The woman widened her eyes, her cheeks turning scarlet with embarrassment.

"No, I-I was asked to tell you that sir would not be able to have the meeting with you today." 

Karma's heart lurched out of her chest.

"You will stay in your office, pack whatever you have and don't you dare step into the chamber of Alistair."

The office stopped talking, errupting in murmurs and I could feel their stares penetrating my body as the woman infront of me had her eyes misting.

"What is happening here?"

Alistair saw Scarlett crying and Karma fuming in rage. Their argument had not only attracted attention from all the staff but demanded his attention too.

"What's happening Mr Alessandro is that your secretary is a woman who had signed contract with Arkalos to work under you. She isn't your property that you can carry her wherever you want.

She was promised to have a office of her own and she with get that, you have absolutely no right-"

"I am the legal President of Arkalos' from today thanks to you Karma....." He whispered making Karma tighten her fist.

"....the contract she had signed can be changed anyhow I wish and miss Scarlett here has no issues whatsoever. The person having issues with it is only you Miss Develle."

Unknown to the two forces colliding, Scarlett had her eyes fixed to Alistair's hand on her wrist and then looking at Karma fuming with jealousy.

Her lips curved into a smile....this was interesting.

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