Chapter 4 - The Host

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Over the course of the following week, arrangements were made for me to move into the castle. After packing my things together and an emotional goodbye to Sir Tristan, I was escorted to the castle by one of the guards. The temperature outside had not improved, and light snowflakes flew around my head. I pulled my scarf tighter as I looked up at the imposing castle that was about to become my home, while the guard tethered the horses.

He showed me to my room and left me to unpack what I had brought. Furnished with the basics, the room was modest yet comfortable and suited me well. My flute found its home first, on a stand in the corner of the room. I bought it when I was under Sir Tristan's care, and he liked to listen to me play, and encouraged me to practice. I resolved to continue practising music while I was here. As I finished sorting my belongings into the dresser and the chest, there was a knock at the door. I stepped across the room and opened it.

Much to my surprise, Richard's smiling face and earthy brown eyes greeted me warmly. My heart stuttered and I made some effort to remain composed. I probably should have greeted him in some way, but I was struggling to think about anything except his stunning features. Luckily, he did not appear to notice my lapse in concentration.

"Sebastian," he addressed me. "I received word that you had arrived. I have come to ask whether you would like me to show you around your new home."

"Oh," I managed feebly.

Richard looked slightly unsure. "I can arrange it for later if you are currently engaged?"

"Forgive me, I was caught unawares. I am not yet used to your casual manner." I closed the door behind me as I stepped out into the corridor to join him, trying hard to ignore the way he looked amused by me. "Now is a perfect time."

We started walking down the corridor.

"Was that flute I saw in your quarters?" asked Richard.

"It was," I replied. "I am still learning, and practice when I can."

"I should like to hear you play sometime," he said, as we rounded our first corner.

Richard was the perfect host. He showed me where the kitchens were first, and the areas I would normally use for eating. We explored where his equipment was kept, and how he liked it to be looked after, and we discussed my daily chores. Nearby, there was a fencing area where he said we might practice if I were disposed to it. He made sure I knew which rooms were private, and which I could use. We then wrapped up and went out to the gardens and the stables, where he introduced me to various horses. We approached the end of the stable yard and went inside the final stall.

"These two beauties are mine," he said proudly. "Shadow is the darker stallion; he is my usual companion when I need to leave the grounds." I recognised the black beast with the small white patches and tummy from when I first laid eyes on Richard at Sir Tristan's house.

"He is a beautiful horse," I responded, stroking him full down his neck.

"Nutmeg here is slightly smaller," the prince continued, moving to a tan-coloured horse. "I don't use him as often. I think he will suit you well though." Richard turned to give me one of his heart-stopping smiles.

"Me?" I asked, wondering whether I had heard him correctly.

"While you are here, I would be happy for you to use Nutmeg whenever it suits you, whether it be for pleasure or for errands. There is no need to arrange it or to ask. Treat him as your own while you are here."

"That is very generous, thank you," I replied. I could not imagine what I had done to be treated in such a manner. Richard nodded.

"I have one more place to show you, back inside, and then I shall leave you to settle yourself," said the prince as he led the way past the stables and back inside the castle.

Back upstairs and not too far from my own room, Richard opened a door and stepped inside.

"These are my quarters," he said. "Please come in."

I did as he asked. The large room appeared to be split into two sections, with a large window in each. The section nearest the door was set up with what appeared to be a games table and various games stacked neatly on nearby shelves. Midway through the room was a hearth which currently had a small fire crackling in it. Further behind, in the second section, was a four-poster bed and a dresser for clothing. Crossed swords and paintings hung on the walls, and the ceiling was ornately painted. It was warm and welcoming, just like the man who resided in it.

Richard continued talking as I stood by the doorway and looked around.

"Unless there is an exceptional reason for it, I am usually available in here from seven o'clock in the evening, after supper, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I would very much like it if you might stop by and challenge me to a game on those evenings." He gestured towards the various games. "However, I will not expect it of you. There may be times you are tired, or you may prefer not to keep my company. You may choose whatever suits you. But please always feel that you can join me if you wish."

I walked over to the games and scanned over the wooden pieces and boards.

"I would like that," I replied.

"Today is Friday," responded the prince. "If you are not too tired after supper and after your eventful day, please stop by. I would be happy to get to know you better over a friendly contest."

"Thank you, Richard," I replied. It still felt odd to address a prince in this informal manner, but we were alone, and I was trying to do as he requested. "In which case I will see you this evening."

"I certainly hope so," he replied. I gave him a small bow as I left his quarters and went back to mine.

I kicked off my boots and made myself comfortable on my new bed, in this unfamiliar room that was to be mine for the immediate future. I looked out of the window from where I lay and saw the large flakes of snow drifting lazily past, some settling lightly on the windowsill.

In a few short hours, no doubt after I had eaten, I would visit the alluring Prince Richard and fully immerse myself into a game, in some attempt to ignore the effect this man had on me. Just like the previous week, it would be the sweetest torture to be alone with him, yet unable to devote my full attention to him. And just like the previous week, my heart and mind would be in some tug of war, where I would want it to end and never want it to end simultaneously.

I sighed. Nothing seemed quite real yet. I wondered whether it ever would again.

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