CHAPTER 1: Kamille

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I swear that lately things have been getting busier for both Larkin and I as our businesses have been growing and he has recently decided he wanted to add an addition to his gym.

Already he had added next door a little shop for our workout clothing line that included funny/sarcastic wordings along with a little corner that sold Kylie's bars and her things as well as a nice cafe looking spot that was my little bakery. It was great. I was happy we had our businesses next to each other's and whenever our kids weren't in school, they were with us or at the house because we had hired enough employees to handle things.

However, now, Larkin has recently decided to add on something for the kids. It's like a little kids gym and play area so that parents can workout as their kids are next door having fun and is more than affordable for them.

We are so excited and Larkin in particular has been trying to do some blueprints. Things looked as though they were finally starting to all come together.

Thankfully for the moment, we had both Nate and Kylie watching our kids while we were at our businesses and as I went over some inventory in the back of the bakery for supplies, I heard one of my employees come up from behind to tell me somebody was here that needed to talk to me.

"Okay. Did he say who he was?" I asked her.

"No." She replied.

I sat down my tablet and started walking out and notice a middle-aged gentleman in a nice and expensive suit take a look around while standing in front of the counter.

"Hello." I greet him with a smile.

"Here." He said while handing me an envelope then turned around and started walking out before I had the chance to say anything.

"What the hell?!" I mutter to myself while looking to see where it was from.

The return address was from the Property Managers' office. Right away I felt a little nervous.

Now, although we were doing great financially, we still were paying off a loan from the bank that helped our businesses kick off, then on top of bills, great healthcare and benefits we provide for the employees along with our family and our mortgage, we have been recently wondering and worried if rather or not the Property Manager would do what the other's were doing all around us which was raise the Property taxes higher than it's worth.

"What is it?" I hear one of my employees ask me.

"Uh, nothing." I tell her with a smile.

Obviously I am not going to tell anyone about this and I probably should hold off to opening up the envelope until I am with Larkin.

So I wait until I finish closing and locking up the bakery then start heading towards the airport to pick up Larkin.

He's returning from a business trip and has been gone for a week now, but it seems like it has been longer than that. He rarely needs to go on them but this one was bigger than any other one because he has been looking for an investor he can trust and who can also help him, Nate and our business to help us afford to have the kid's gym built.

The moment I pulled up next to the curb, I noticed him come walking out and spot me right away. I then quickly got out and ran up to him, throwing my arms around his neck as I begin kissing him.

"My God, I missed my girl." He says with a huge smile holding me tightly.

"I missed you too." I tell him.

While on our way home, he was driving and telling me all about his trip.

After we got to the house and sent Nate and Kylie home after thanking them for watching our kids, we figured since they were already asleep in their beds that we would go to bed as well.

I decided that I would wait until the next morning to show him the envelope and we could open it up together and read it. However, my gut tells me it might not be so good.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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