CHAPTER 29: Kamille

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Just a few seconds after I felt Larkin push me off to the side, causing me to stumble and fall to the ground, that is when gunshots went off.

I quickly tried to get back up and looked at Larkin who held his shoulder and yelled in pain.

Then I heard the worst sound I had hoped I would never hear-our kids screaming and crying loudly in horror.

Then another gunshot fired behind me and as soon as I had turned around towards the car we drove in, I saw a man walking towards us through the darkness as he closes the backseat passenger car door. Oh my god, this guy just killed Ashton's father. What the hell is going on?!?!

However, I also had noticed a few guys standing behind Kylie and the kids. They looked to be have been a part of Ashton's crew but they weren't. At least that's what I soon discovered as soon as I heard Ashton laying on the ground on his back, holding his stomach and yelling in pain as well, along with Cassidy walking towards him, pointing a gun at him.

"This is for everybody's sake and for killing my one true love years ago." Was all I heard her say then the next thing I saw was her fire the gun at Ashton a few more times.

He couldn't really be dead. He doesn't ever die. That would never happen. But I quickly snap out of it and look at Larkin.

I quickly hurry to his side and start to scream at Nate and Mr. Denton.

"Please call an ambulance!" I scream then look down at Larkin and start to cry.

I also begin to try and kneel beside him so our kids can't see.

"I'll be alright." Larkin smiles at me.

"You better because remember, this has to end like that one movie." I try and distract him from the pain.

In which it works for only a brief moment as he chuckles a little then winces in pain.

"I love you so much." He says as he places his hand gently onto the side of my face-just like in the movies.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." I start to cry.

"No it isn't." He tells me.

"Here..." I suddenly begin to hear Mr. Denton as I notice him too kneeling down on the opposite side of Larkin and sits him up then uses his belt to tie a tight tourniquet to try and stop the bleeding.

"He's gonna be alright." Mr. Denton smiles at me.

There was a part of me that wanted to believe him but, then there was the terrified and worried part of me that was too afraid to give into that hope. However, I do need to think positive, if not for me, at least for the kids.

I next stand up and try to help Larkin up along with the help from Mr. Denton and we start to walk towards where I see Cassidy, Kylie, Nate and the few guys that shot the man behind Kylie and them.

The kids right away smiled and ran towards me and Larkin, wrapping their arms around us with us both kissing them and holding each one tightly.

They were sad that their daddy was hurt but we assured them he would be okay.

I couldn't tell you how great it felt to hold them again in my arms and know that they were okay. I just can't help but still feel a bit terrible about them becoming involved though in all of this mess.

I picked up Liam and carried him on my hip with Rosemary holding Larkin's hand with the arm that wasn't hurt as we started walking up towards everyone.

Then the moment we had gotten closer I immediately had noticed Cassidy and the cuts as well as bruises on her face. She had been beaten badly it looked like.

"I'm sorry it took me a while." Cassidy states.

"My God, are you alright?" I ask her.

"I'm fine. It's why it took me a while to get here. You see, I tried to protect Kylie and the kids. I don't know how he found us but he did along with his men. They bursted through the front door and the next thing I remember, I heard screams and I tried to fight back but one of his men chloroformed me." She says.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry " I tell her.

Mr. Denton goes to hug her as I have Larkin next to me.

"No, I'm the one that is sorry. For both my father and brother's actions. I never thought it would ever be taken this far. And I swear I never saw my father being part of this bullshit." She says with tears.

"It's okay." I try to reassure her and then lean in and hug her. "Thank you for protecting my family and risking everything to do that. And I'm sorry for your losses." I sincerely apologise.

"It needed to happen." She shrugs her shoulders a little.

"Uh, I hate to break this up but, we have to get the hell out of here." One of the men that shot Ashton's and Cassidy's father says.

"Oh shit, I forgot that the police will want to know what happened. Damnit, and I had you call an ambulance." I say as I look at Denton.

"Actually, I called a buddy of mine who is a surgeon in the ER and we will be heading towards his home where he'll help stitch Larkin up in a few seconds here." He mentions.

"Thank you." I tell him.

I next take my kids and we begin heading towards the car that Kylie and them all came in and we quickly began making our way to Denton's friends house.

The kids will be okay in the end, I know, but for right now, I have to find a way to help them move on from this. I feel guilty. Like I am a bad mother.

Then again, I need to not dwell on this at the same time because I have to be strong for them. Show them that life goes on no matter what. I hope one day when they are old enough that they'll understand and hopefully forgive me.

We have been so lucky. I mean, who would have thought that things would have ever gotten as bad as they did?! I am just grateful and glad that things had worked out before ever getting any worse.

Now, we can officially live our Happily Ever After! Or at least try to.

                             The End

Hey guys! I'm glad to see that everything worked out great for these two and their kids and that they had lived happily ever after finally. Now I know I didn't end it like I do with most of my stories (more details) but thought I would try it different this time and leave it as is now. However, never know, I may just add more details and make it longer in the full book version when it is published. :);). I hope you all still enjoyed and plenty of more stories are coming.

Speaking of which......I will be posting here tomorrow (Monday, my time), the first chapter to my new story, 'Mr. Right?!' will be posted literally in just a few minutes and then I will announce it also on message board! ;)

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