CHAPTER 8: Larkin

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It has been a few weeks since I had met up with Denton and told Kamille about what was discussed.

We both had agreed to not get too caught up in what the man said, just in case he was trying to mess with us. However, we have been real happy and less stressed since we know our rent won't go up.

I was happy she got rid of those other two girls though, they were annoying as shit and clearly had never worked in their lives before. Then when she introduced me to the new girl, Cassidy, I thought she would fit perfectly with how much positive energy she gave off and everything.

Things seemed to be looking up and today, it was kind of slow at the gym, so I decided to leave a couple of hours early and head home.

When I arrived, I walked in, greeted my sexy wife and our adorable Rosemary and Liam. Then we all sat down to eat dinner together before giving the kids a bath and putting them to bed.

It was nice to get some alone time with Kamille and after closing the kids door, I next started heading back downstairs to help Kamille clean up. But when I got there, it seemed like she had already done it.

"That was a great dinner babe." I commented.

"Thanks." She replies with her back still turned towards me while she loads up the dishwasher.

I began to feel like something was wrong.

"Uh, is something wrong?" I ask her.

She takes a moment before turning around to face me and pulls out an envelope and unfolded it then took out a piece of paper and held it up.

"What is this?!" She asks looking and now sounding a bit upset.

"What's what?" I asked not truly knowing what she's talking about as I walk up towards her to grab it.

"I thought we both agreed not to ever keep anything from one another?!" She points out.

Somehow, before taking a look at the paper, I knew what it was.

"Kamille. I'm sorry. I know I should have told you and I really wanted to, but I just couldn't. I know this sounds a bit cliche and probably pathetic even, but it's the truth. I was ashamed. I was embarrassed and felt as though I would be hurting you again." I admit to her while taking a seat on the couch with my head in my hands.

"Why would you feel embarrassed or even ashamed? You know I would never judge you. We are supposed to trust each other, in which I do trust you." She states.

That broke my heart a bit more because I do trust her. Call it a pride thing but I just thought deep down that maybe I even could have fixed it before she could find out.

"I know. I do trust you but, you know me Kamille. It's hard for me to admit defeat." I start to pout a little. 

She rolls her eyes playfully at me then walks over and sits down next to me while putting her arm over my shoulders before I turn my head and look into her eyes. 

"I love you and in case you forgot, we are together for better or worse. I am already proud of you, to be honest." She tries to assure me. 

I can't help but smile after she tells me that. 

"What would I do without you?" I tell her. 

"Most likely, nothing productive." She teases. 

We lean in to kiss each other and then go upstairs to head off to bed. She was right with what she said earlier about 'for better or worse.' I truly feel like I am the luckiest man in the world. Looks as though things are starting to look up. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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