CHAPTER 19: Kamille

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Maybe I overreacted. I don't know why I took the first sentence out his mouth so personal even. I mean, I do understand.

I guess I just felt like how it was back in school and back when I dated Ashton. Never could speak my mind or anything without being ridiculed for it and told to shut the hell up.

I realized after Larkin left that I overreacted and that he was right in that I should give him more credit. I mean, really thinking about what all had just happened, I don't really even know why we were arguing. Well, I do but I don't, if that makes any sense at all.

After he came home, I stayed downstairs and waited while he went upstairs to get dressed and ready for the dinner with Kylie and Nate.

Shortly after he came back down and we kissed the kids goodnight then thanked Cassidy again for watching them and we started making our way towards the restaurant.

Several minutes into the drive over, I decided to try and apologize for my reaction.

"Larkin...I..." I started but he stopped me.

"Let's just get through this dinner and we will talk about it later. Tonight isn't about us anyways." He says.

I felt hurt and like I wanted to cry. I was real upset at myself for making him this upset. He was right though, it wasn't about us. So I started to put it all in the back of my head and wipe the tears that were starting to try and roll down my face.

After we arrived, the valet guy opened up my door and outside the restaurant were Kylie and Nate both standing in the front waiting for us.

We hold each other's hand and smile like everything is okay. Then we all begin heading inside.

Throughout the dinner both Larkin and I seemed to have forgotten what happened earlier as we laughed and were overall having a lot of fun.

"My gosh, I STILL can't believe I'm going to be a mom." Kylie tells me.

"I know. But come on, we both knew that you would be a great one when the time did come. Plus, Rosemary and Liam are going to be excited." I tell her.

"Oh, that reminds me, did you guys think up of what Rosemary wants to do for her birthday yet?"

"She keeps going back and forth between having it at home and getting a bouncy house or at the park even." I tell her.

"She realizes it is coming up, right?" She chuckles.

"Yeah, I know." I chuckled. "I still can't believe she will be six." I mention.

"Right? I had to think about the other day in how old she was turning. My God, time goes by real fast. That is something I won't be looking forward to." She says.

"Yeah it does. But the memories you will make along the way along with the craziness in between, it'll be worth it." I smiled.

"I swear, you have always been good at knowing what to say." She smiles back at me.

When we finished dinner, we said 'goodnight' and I began thinking about throwing her a baby shower. I was real happy and couldn't wait.

Then as soon as we got into the car to begin heading home, it seemed as though reality  hit me and I started to think about the fight Larkin and I had before the dinner and decided I couldn't wait anymore to talk about it and I hate to go to bed with us mad at one another. So I took that opportunity to start apologizing.

However, by the time I got the nerve to finally say something, we already were pulling into the driveway.

I was real upset, mostly in myself for not talking during the ride back here and for also forgetting at how close the restaurant was. Then before we got out of the car, I said something.

"Larkin. We need to talk about earlier." I start.

"Not tonight Kamille, please. I'm real tired and...." He starts but I stop him.

"No! I will not wait any longer to talk about it. First off, it really isn't as bad as you are making this. Not to mention I wanted to apologize for how I reacted. You were right, I blew it out of proportion. But you know, you acting like this and storming out of the house earlier doesn't help matters." I snap at him.

"I am your wife for fuck sake. Talk to me." I cry.

It was silent for a moment until I heard him breathe out some air before saying anything.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I never should have stormed off the way I did. I never should have reacted the way I did and snap at you. But I swear that I never meant what you thought I did about the deal I made with Ashton and how I regretted my life." He tells me as I can tell he is getting all choked up.

Next he looks at me then takes hold of my hand into his and raises the back of it up to his lips to place a gentle kiss on it then looks at me and smiles while gently rubbing his thumb over my hand.

"I know. I'm sorry I ever said that." I say.

"While I was driving around I started to think back when we were in school and how mean I was to you. Then years later I find out you had been through so much hell.  And that a guy treated you so bad and I wasn't there to protect you. I'm so sorry Kamille." He tells me.

"Hey." I start to tell him as I turn his head to look at me. "It's okay. That's all in the past."

"I promise baby. That starting tomorrow I will contact Mr. Denton and try to explain everything to him and maybe he can help with Ashton. Then I will let Ashton know there is no deal between him and I." He smiles at me.

"Okay baby." I smiled and nodded in agreement.

We leaned in and started to give each other a kiss before finally getting out of the car and heading into the house.

All that he just mentioned in the car moments ago, has me now thinking about him telling Ashton and also Mr. Denton. I am worried at how this light all end.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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