CHAPTER 7: Kamille

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Today I had two girls call in 'sick' and I know for sure that they had hangovers and to be honest, I haven't liked them since I hired them a month ago. 

They aren't too good with customers and a lot of the times don't greet them the way they were trained. However, the MOST annoying thing to me has been the fact that they both need to be watched because me or my Assistant Manager needs to be on them to be sure they do things right. 

So because I gave them an opportunity and don't show anything remotely related to the point of caring enough to follow directions, I told them over the phone today NOT to come in and that I had to fire them. 

I was trying to keep myself calm and not show how frustrated or irritated I was with the stress of having to find others to hire to take their place and the fact I wasn't able to be there with Larkin, talking with Mr. Denton. I hope everything is going good. 

Thankfully though, today things were a bit slow anyways and the fact I had a couple employees left, whom I love and am beyond grateful for, were here helping me out (as they always do). 

I was finishing up baking a batch of brownies when we heard the door 'ding' indicating someone had either left or came in. 

Once I heard my Assistant Manager, Mandy greet the person, I couldn't help but also overhear that she was asking if we were hiring. 

Right as Mandy started to answer 'no', I quickly came out from the kitchen and told the girl that we were actually hiring then told Mandy I'd explain later. 

I quickly wiped my hands with powder on them on my apron, sanitized my hands then walked right up towards her to introduce myself. 

"Hi I'm Kamille. I'm the owner of this place." I smile at her. 

"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Cassidy. I just moved here a couple weeks ago and am just looking for something." She says with a huge warm smile. 

She was petite with dark hair short hair, tanned skin and seemed to be in her early twenties and seemed to be one of those cliched 'girl next door' kind of a girl. She seemed sweet. 

"Well it's nice to meet you as well, Cassidy. Please, if you want, we can have you fill out an application and do an interview today." I mention. 

"Really?! Oh my God. That would be great! Thank you." She replies. 

I next hand her an application while she hands me her resume then once we're finished, I have her follow me towards the back where the office is to conduct the interview. 

Throughout the interview, I was trying to hold in my excitement that I was feeling along with a huge sigh of relief as I liked her answers and how she spoke along with her body language. I was more than impressed. 

"Well, I guess if there's no questions you have for me then, welcome aboard and we'll start training the day after tomorrow." I tell her while we both stand up to get ready to end the interview and leave. 

"Thank you. I appreciate this so much and promise I won't let you down." She shakes my hand and smiles reassuringly. 

"Good." I smiled back. 

After seeing her leave, Mandy walks up beside me and I notice her looking out the corner of her eye at me with a cocked eyebrow. 

"What?" I asked her, already knowing that look of hers. 

"That was.....interesting." She states. 

"Yeah, well, I fired the other two earlier that we don't really care for anyways after they called in mentioning how they were 'sick' again, after the weekend." I tell her. 

She laughs and seems to be happy as well because she didn't like them neither. 

"Thank God you did." She chuckles a little bit. "Well, this new girl seems nice." 

"Yeah, she does. Her resume is awesome and states that she worked in her Grandmother's bakery since she was eight years old, so, that's a plus." I mention. 

"Well, I'm just hoping she doesn't turn out to be like the others." She mutters under her breath to herself. 

"Yeah, me too." I replied before finishing up for the day. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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