CHAPTER 26: Larkin

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"ENOUGH!" Kamille snaps at him then quickly grabs the gun from his hand after she punches him hard right in the nose then cocks the gun while standing on top of him pointing the gun between his eyes. 

The entire room seemed to have become dead silent with everybody looking at her in shock and surprise. 

"Now you listen to me very carefully, I don't give two shits what happens to you or Ashton. There is no business between him and I. He wants me to get back with him for some disgusting reason that frankly I could give a flying FUCK in knowing why. But that is NEVER gonna happen. You and him have tried breaking up my family and I am making this promise right here and now that from this moment on, I will NOT hesitate in killing you and your son if you don't do what WE say. Then after this is all over, I want you and your son to never and I mean NEVER to come near me or my family again." She threatens him with her hand shaking while holding the gun. 

To be honest I was feeling a bit worried as to rather or not she was going to pull the trigger or not from the way she was trembling. 

He glares at her while still on the ground, looking up at her with his hands up in a 'surrender' gesture. 

"Alright." He finally agrees. 

"Now get up very slowly. Then you call up Ashton and tell him I am coming." She states. 

He looks at her both infuriated with flaring nostrils before agreeing. 

Once he gets up off the floor, he takes his phone out from his pocket while still looking at her with fear then places it to his ear. 

"Ash....She has agreed to come. We'll be there in an hour." He states. Then ends the call and places the phone back into his pocket. 

"Is he bringing our children and Kylie?" She asks him. 

"Yes." He replies. 

"Good. Because if this is a trick or you try and make ANY  fucking attempts to telling him what we're doing now, you're food for the crows." She threatens him. 

"You do realize you won't get away with this." He smirks. 

"We'll see." She says. "Tie his wrists together, take his phone & cover his mouth with duct tape." She tells us. 

Nate and Mr. Denton start to hold him down, then Mr. Denton has me quickly run into the kitchen and look for in a drawer, several zip ties. Then as soon as I head back towards them and they begin binding together both his wrists behind his back. 

I don't bother to even watch as I notice when I look back at where Kamille who was just now standing at, wasn't there anymore and seemed to have gone to take a seat at the dining table. 

I walk up and sit in a chair next to her after grabbing her a bag of peas to put over her knuckles. and and notice she has the gun set down on the table in front of her as she stares at it before looking at me and tiredly smiling as she holds the bag of peas over her hand. 

She closes her eyes and a few tears come running down her cheek as she starts to look at me and thanks me for getting her the bag. 

"Baby, it's okay." I try and assure. 

She shakes her head before replying. 

"I just....I couldn't take anymore bullshit." She begins crying as if she felt the need to explain to me why she acted the way she just now did. 

"It's okay Kam....You did great. In fact, I was about to do something but then you stepped in and beat me to it." I smile at her. 

"I guess so." She smiles again at me. 

"Listen, what you just did was beyond brave and outstanding that although we all were surprised and didn't see that coming, it was badass. I mean, I always thought you were but, that took things to a level I never thought you could ever go to." I tell her. 

We both then start to share a laugh together and then Nate walks up to us and pulls out the chair across from me and takes a seat. 

"So what's the plan, boss?" Nate winks and smiles at Kamille. 

"I'm going to go and meet up with Ashton, just as he expects me to." She says. 

"No. I won't allow you to go." I tell her. 

"We don't have a choice. Besides, I won't be alone." She says before looking over at Ashton's dad and Mr. Denton on the couch still. 

"No. There's no way in hell I'm going to let you go with him alone." I protest more. 

"We don't have much of a choice. Ashton isn't stupid and if I don't show up with him, he will know right away something is up and who knows what he'll do to the kids and Kylie." She tells me. 

"Well, question.....If you need to use his dad, then why the hell did we just zip tie his wrists? Are you planning on using him for bargaining?" Nate asks. 

"Not exactly." She replies. "We're going to put him in the back seat and I am going to drive to the location. Then once I get out, I'll distract Ashton by talking to him and while I'm doing that, Mr. Denton is going to be in the back with the gun to his head, making sure he's quiet until I say to come out." She tells me. 

Then she looks back at Nate and I. 

"And you two will be trying to get Kylie and the kids." She finishes. 

"But Kamille, what if he...." I start to mention but she stops me. 

"I am so tired of thinking about 'what ifs' and think it's time to just do it." She says. 

What else can I do but agree to stand by her side. I'm not sure entirely who this new Kamille is but I have to admit that I do kind of like it. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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