CHAPTER 15: Kamille

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Alright, maybe tonight I can tell Larkin about Ashton being my ex. I should tell him. I hope he doesn't get upset at especially the fact that I waited a while to tell him about him.

I don't want to ruin the deal that Mr. Denton has with Larkin and the investment, so I will put on a good face but, I need to tell Larkin.

I try and get all that stuff out of my head while I finish getting the kids washed up for dinner so that all they have to do afterwards is go to sleep before next getting dinner ready.

I made a nice rice and chicken dinner with salad for the side and started setting up the table.

When I finished setting the food onto the table, I heard the front door open and in walked Larkin and Ashton.

"Hey baby!" larkin greets me with a smile and kiss, like always.

"Hey babe." I replied with a smile. "You guys are just in time, dinner is ready."

We all then sat down at the table and I gave Liam his small plate as well as Rosemary and then we all started to eat.

Things were feeling a bit awkward and to be honest, I wasn't sure in what I should say.

"Oh Honey, I wanted to tell you that I invited Ashton to Rosemary's birthday party." Larkin says.

I felt a huge lump form in my throat and forced myself to swallow it before pulling myself quickly together.

"Oh, good." I smiled a little then started to eat.

Why is this even happening to me?! Why does the Universe hate me so much?!

Throughout the rest of the dinner we all just made small talk and then after we had finished, I had to use the restroom so I decided to use the one in our bedroom upstairs and while I was at it, tried to calm my nerves, as I wasn't sure if I could go back downstairs or not.

The one person I had never thought I would see again has somehow found me and could ruin everything.

I don't trust him and know he can be dangerous. Even more dangerous than Cairo ever was.

I started coming out of the bathroom connected to our bedroom when suddenly I felt one of my arms being grabbed before then being pushed up against a wall.

"What the hell do you think you're doin?!" I asked when I noticed it was him.

"I told you I would always find you. You owe me for what you did." He states assertively and tightening his grip.

"You did it to yourself. You should never have done what you did to me and there is no way in hell I am going to allow you to threaten or hurt my family. I am not the same person I was back then. You don't scare me anymore." I tell him.

He looks at me for a few moments not saying anything and then begins to smirk a little before leaning closer against me as he grabbed my neck firmly but not too tight.

"Do you honestly expect me to believe that?" He asks. "I know you. I know you more than anybody else and even more than Larkin does and I promise you, that if you so much as mention who I am, or even show me any disrespect, I can guarantee that not only will you and your family be on the streets and your careers destroyed, but more importantly, you can say goodbye to your husband."

"My family has nothing to do with this...." I tried to protest while beginning to push him off of me but he starts squeezing hard against my wrist and his grip around my neck gets a little tighter.

"Play nice and things will end okay." He warns me.

"I will never be with you." I tell him.

"We'll see, my little Princess." He threatens. Then looks as though he was getting ready to kiss me but thankfully he didn't and instead pushed himself off from me and the wall, then he fixes himself a bit before saying anything.

"Now, we're going to go back downstairs and have our dessert and have a good time." He states.

I glare at him but then right away begin to think about my family. So I start to pull myself together as well and fight back the tears I felt forming in my eyes so that I can be strong right now.

"That a girl. Just remember to behave and start showing me some more respect or you will live to regret it." He warns me again.

I swallowed the huge lump in my throat that formed yet again at that moment after he said that. I have to tell Larkin. But wait, no, I can't. Ashton WILL kill him and possibly my kids. What am I gonna do?!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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