CHAPTER 12: Larkin

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The party Mr. Denton invited us to came sooner than we thought and yet exciting. Her and I haven't been to a party like this since the deal I made with the second warehouse opening and we threw a party in celebration.

We weren't sure if rather or not at first we could find a babysitter because we had trust issues with people and then she suggested we hire Cassidy who was generous enough to do it for free.

Kamille and I were excited along with Nate and Kylie.

Then after waiting almost a little over an hour for Kamille downstairs to finish getting ready, I couldn't help but stare at her with my jaw dropped as she came walking down the stairs.

Nate had whistled at her and I just couldn't stop looking at her as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world - I am so lucky.

"Down boy

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"Down boy." She says to me as she walks up and kisses me on the lips.

I began to blush a little bit as I felt heat quickly rise in my cheeks, before we all started to leave and head out to the car.

Once we arrived in front of Mr. Denton's house, we right away were amazed at what we saw.

Of course this was his house

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Of course this was his house. It was actually just the way we all had imagined it would look like. I for sure would love to be in a place like this.

We noticed right away however that there were just a few cars parked out in front here and we all looked at each other thinking maybe we were early? This was supposed to be a party, right?

We started walking up towards the door and before we were able to knock, a man opened the door and gestured for us to come in.

All I could think of to say about the interior of this place was 'wow'. It was amazing and seemed to give the illusion also that it was bigger than the outside.

"I am so glad you all made it." We hear Mr. Denton begin walking out around the corner in the hallway to greet us.

"Yeah. Thanks for inviting us." Kamille replied.

"Happy birthday, Mr. Denton." I tell him while handing him a gift we all got him.

"Aww thank you. And you all shouldn't have bought me anything. But thank you." He smiles.

"You have a very nice home." Kamille comments.

"Why thank you Mrs. Simms. And may I say that you look stunning." He compliments as he raises her hand to his lips to place a kiss on the back of her hand then does the same with Kylie.

"So, are we early or?..." I began to ask.

"Early?" He looks at me bewildered for a brief moment before he then has the look of sudden realization in what I meant.

"Oh, the party. Yes well, I apologize for not being specific. It's not one of those parties with hundreds of guests and loud music. It will actually be just some of my close friends and my nephew." He mentions.

"Cool." Nate says.

"So since dinner will be ready in a few moments, why don't we go ahead into the dining room and take our seats and I can introduce you all and get you all a drink." He smiles.

We start following him and he gives us a brief little tour and mentions to give us one of the rest of the house later on. Then we reach the dining room where we notice three couples that look to be around his age and I guess his nephew isn't here yet because there is nobody else other than the couples.

He starts introducing us all to them and they all seem to own their own companies and are real interesting people.

Next we all four take our seats along with Mr. Denton at the head of the table and starts to open his presant and thankfully likes what we got him.

It's really hard to be honest when it comes to shopping for somebody who is rich and has everything practically already.

We get our drinks after moments from sitting and giving our order to the server in what we wanted to drink and then soon after that, the food was ready.

Right as the two servers placed down the final plate, we noticed the door bust open and in came a casual dressed guy who didn't look to be much older than Kamille or I....Guess we just met the nephew.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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