Part II. Chapter-18

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"Wait, so you didn't burn them alive? Not even attempt to murder them?" I asked as I set a plate of pancakes down.

"No, I didn't." Angelo continued to type away on his laptop.

"Wow. I'm proud of you. There's usually at least one fist thrown." I began to look through the fridge. "What happened to the chocolate syrup?"

"You finished it last night when you had ice cream for dinner." He eyed me.

How did he even know that?

"How'd you know?"

"I didn't, but I do now."


"Alright. I'll give it to you. That was pretty good." I shut the fridge. "But we really need to go grocery shopping."

"Already?" He groaned.

He hates doing any form of shopping.

"Why can't we just send someone out?"

"Because they never get the right stuff. Remember when I asked for almonds and they came back with hazelnuts? They don't even look alike, how did they mess that up? I don't even like hazelnuts that much." I sighed as I sat down.

Damn hazelnuts.

"Fine, we'll go shopping." He groaned again.

"Thank y-,"

"Family!" Gino marched into the dining room.

He's here early.

"I couldn't help but overhear your going grocery shopping. I need some stuff for my apartment if you're looking to start a trio." As soon as I put a pancake on my plate, Gino grabbed it, taking a bite.

   "Hey! Angelo, a little help please?"

"What? It's not like you were going to eat it any-," he stopped mid sentence, looking at Angelo.

  Following his gaze, I found Angelo staring back at him.

   His eyes looked darker, and he looked angry even though his face was blank.

   Woah. He's got to teach me how to do that.

Slowly, Gino placed the pancake back on my plate, slowly paling more and more.

   "It's yours now." I picked up the plate, trying to hand it to him.

   He looked at Angelo as if he was asking permission.

   I'm guessing the answer was yes, because when Angelo looked away from him, he hurriedly grabbed the plate.

   "There's whipped cream in the fridge."

"Oh my god, I love it here." He practically ran to the fridge.

   "Perhaps too much." Angelo muttered.

"I still don't understand why I have to wear a hat." I grumbled as I put on a black baseball hat.

    "Because people tend to stare at all of us if we look like, well, us." Angelo answered as he threw on a hoodie.

    "Trust me, I don't understand it either." Gino walked in, clad in a jacket and jeans.

   It's really weird not seeing them in a suit.

"But I look normal."

"No, you look like the rest of us. Beautiful." My uncle mentioned as he fixed his hair in the mirror.

    Is that a compliment or not?

"Can we get this over with?"

"Come on Angelo. You don't hate it that much." I followed him to the garage.

   "You really don't want to bark up that tree kid."

He's probably right.

"Angelo, who taught you how how to drive? You could've made that light!"

    "Do you want to get me pulled over?"

"You should have let me drive!"

"Guys." I groaned for the third time in twenty minutes.

    "Honey, your seatbelts on right?" Angelo looked at me in the rear view.

  My seat belt?

"Yeah, wh-,"

Before I could stop him, he unbuckled Ginos, and came to a screeching stop.

  And of course, Gino hit his head.

This happens more often than it should.

"Ow!" Gino yelled over his brothers laugh. "Moms so going to kill you!"

    "Last I checked, unlike you, I'm an adult."

"Mercury, you're taking this seat when we leave." He knew he couldn't do anything to get him back.

   While he was driving at least.

Not too long after that event, we finally pulled into the grocery store parking lot.

I could tell just by the look in his eye, that Gino fully intended to avenge himself.

"Gino, wait until we get out of the public eye to attack please." I warned him.

He murmured under his breath in response.

God help me.

"I still don't understand why I have to be here."

"Because I can't reach the high shelves." I reminded him. "Where's your brother?"

If I didn't have them both in front of me, something was bound to happen.

"How should I know? Last I checked, he was a big boy."

Just as I was about to go into panic mode, I saw him turn into the isle.

"There you are." I sighed. "I can't trust either of you alone."

"It's him you can't trust." He pointed at Angelo.

"Aw. Did the baby get his feelings hurt? It's alright, you probably deserved it." Angelo was quick to piss him off.

I had never seen Ginos face become red until today.

   "Woah, Gino-,"

He grabbed a jar off the shelf.

Well, at least I was almost done.

He threw it at Angelo, hard.

   However, it was Angelo.

He moved just before it would have struck him.

And he caught it.

Is this better or worse?

   Gino wasn't expecting that outcome, so his expression grew into one of fear.

      "Oh you're so going to get it."

The Girl At His Door [Parts I & II]Where stories live. Discover now