Chapter Eighty-Eight

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Cedric Diggory was alive.

That was something Olive had thought would never happen, especially after the last few days. She never thought that a memory, something she wrote months ago, would be able to bring him back.

But it did.

Olive was sad to lose her notebook, which not only contained the Yule Ball memory, but also several stories she had wanted to keep for her portfolio. However, she knew that it was worth it. Her cousin was alive because of her.

Cedric was alive.

The Ravenclaw sat upright in the Hospital Wing bed, anxious to get up and leave. She swore Dumbledore she wouldn't tell anyone about this... but there was one person she thought deserved to know.

Harry had watched Cedric die, and brought his body back to Hogwarts for his parents. He had been through more trauma than anyone else the last few days. Olive could at least ease his mind and let him know that somewhere out there, Cedric Diggory was living and breathing.

It was the least Olive could do, considering all of the stress he's been under lately because of the return of You-Know-Who.

However, no matter how many times she told Madame Pomfrey she felt well enough to leave, the Healer simply told her that she needed more time to rest.

"Your body has been through a great ordeal." She snipped at Olive, handing her another sour-tasting potion to drink, "You're overtired and dehydrated. You need rest, Miss Lark, and I know you won't do it once you leave here."

The Ravenclaw bowed her head sheepishly. Madame Pomfrey did have a point, even if she didn't want to admit it.

"Sorry," Olive sat back in her pillows, "You're right... but can I ask you something?"


"Did he... did he remember anything? When he woke up?" Olive lowered her voice, "Cedric?"

The Healer's eyes widened only slightly, "We are not supposed to be discussing this... but as far as I could tell, Miss Lark, he did remember his conversation with you."

She tapped the potion in Olive's hands impatiently with her wand, "That is all I can discuss with you. Now, drink up! You want to be out of here before the End of Year Feast, tomorrow, don't you?"

Olive nodded, and quickly downed the sour potion without a second thought. It was the third one Madame Pomfrey had given her since she arrived, so she was used to the taste by now.

The sun was rising higher and higher into the sky, sending a brilliant light through the patterned stained-glass windows in the Hospital Wing. It was already mid-morning, meaning Olive had been in the Hospital Wing since around three in the morning.

She felt the relaxing effects of the potion settle into her bones quickly, easing her excitement from the last few hours. Ollie was grateful for the calming potion, because right now it seemed to be the only way she could get some much needed sleep.

Cedric was alive.

Olive laid down, staring up at the ceiling as she tried to calm her racing thoughts. It was still quite shocking to her that Cedric was alive... and she was the one who brought him back. Did that mean that in each memory she wrote, all those mentioned would be safe from death?

She thought back on the memory of her and George, which was luckily still tucked away in a notebook in her trunk. If something, Merlin forbid, were to happen to her or George... would they be trapped in the pages of them running through the halls until someone got them out?

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