Chapter Seven

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As Hallow's Eve grew nearer and nearer and the weather began to get even colder, Olive found that it was way too chilly for her to write outside. She was a stubborn girl, so it took catching a cold for her to realize that she couldn't stay there long.

After going to the Hospital Wing to get some potions from Madame Pomfrey that would cure her cold, Ollie was heading to the library where she would resume her writing. Currently, she was working on a small romance novelette. She loved love stories, and often found herself writing a few of them, but it was hard to make them realistic.

Love wasn't what the books talked about, even Ollie's. She hasn't experienced love for someone other than a family-love for her friends, Cedric, and Missy. She didn't want it, because Ollie believed that she wasn't ready for it. She didn't want to have her heart broken.

As she sat down in the corner of the library in a dreamy-eyed state as she began writing, her mind wasn't aware of anything going on around her in the real world. Ollie was in full on writing mode, where she could sit there for hours and write to the point where someone would have to pull the pen from her hands and force her back to reality. Writing was her escape from her anxiety, and the problems the world was facing.

Last year, when Natalie was petrified from the Basilisk attacks, Olive couldn't bring herself to do anything but write. She was in a state of shock, but the only thing that seemed to work was her hand that wrote and wrote, and kept on writing.

So as she fell deeper and deeper into her writing trance, she didn't notice Fred and George taking a seat next to her, determined smirks written on their faces.

They wanted to ask Ollie how she was able to dodge their prank- because it was a little unusual that the black cat would just show up out of no where.

Fred and George also came up with a slight relationship between their pranks and the black cat.

"I think she's hypnotized or something." George whispered to Fred, who simply smirked in response.

"We still need to talk to her."

George nudged Olive gently, waiting for her to look up at them. But Olive was too busy scribbling down her thoughts. They knew it wasn't a diary, because everyone knew that Olive Lark was a writer. They just didn't know the extent.


No answer.

"Olive Lark?"

Olive stayed still, writing away. She didn't even seem to blink.

Shrugging, Fred just waved his hand in front of her face, causing her to finally blink several times before looking up at the two of them.

Upon seeing Fred and George sitting on either side of her, she quickly wanted go get away. She knew they were always up to no good, so she wanted no business in that. Plus, she had a feeling they were on to her about that black cat business.

"Hello Olive." George said as she stared at the two of them, not sure of what she would say or do. Well, she couldn't bring herself to say anything, so Olive just sat there, waiting for them to continue.

"We have a few questions for you." Fred said after him. They talked completely in sync, as if they knew exactly what the other was going to say and what to say after that. To Ollie, it was the only thing she found even the least bit interesting about Fred and George.

Olive just nodded her head, as if telling them to continue.

Not much of a talker unless it's with her friends. George thought before he spoke.

"How were you able to dodge our prank? You just seemed to disappear in the smoke."

Thinking about her reply, Olive just shrugged at first, a rush of panic running through her prior to speaking.

"Well, I walked away." She explained, urgently wanting to get back to her writing.

Fred and George shared a look, both of them knowing that her excuse was some extreme goblin piss.

"How did it happen that fast?" Fred questioned her. Ollie, who tried hard not to let her hair turn the color of her mood, sighed. She just wanted those two to leave her alone. After all, the library was a place of quiet, and it was the only place she could have that silence that wasn't her tree by the black lake.

"I walk rather quickly." She retorted, "How do you think I get to class on time in a castle this big? A funeral march?"

The twins seemed a bit taken back by Olive's
hidden sassy attitude, but didn't let it stop them from trying to pester her.

"That's not the answer we were hoping for..." George muttered. Olive quirked a brow at him, her enormous blue orbs staring at the both of them with a slightly bothered expression.

"Olive, are you aware of the reason we're here?"

She shook her head, biting on her tongue to keep a witty response from escaping her lips.

"You know the black cat?"

She nodded.

"Well, Olive, Georgie and I here have been trying to find out who or what this cat is. Most of our pranks have had some type of relation to Ravenclaw, you, your friends, or if you happened to be near the prank when it occurred." Fred explained, a tone of confidence in his words. Olive looked between the two of them before chuckling. She gathered her things, obviously wanting to go.

"You two honestly think I'm that stupid cat? The only person in the school who can turn into a cat is Professor McGonagall. You better question her before bothering me." Olive sassed, adjusting her grip on her bag as she held on tightly to her notebooks, her pen tucked behind her ear.

She left- not bothering to look back at the twins who were still sitting on either side of where Ollie had been seated, baffled.

"Well, she's got quite the fiery tone." George gaped.

"Never knew she even had vocal chords till now." Fred sighed.

As they watched the girl with ink staining her fingertips and her black curls bouncing around her shoulders, George honestly thought that when Ollie snapped at them, her pupils resembled those of a cat, but then again, he was easily mistaken by a lot of things lately.

Like the fact that Olive Lark was not one to be crossed.

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