Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Olive, you have mail!"

"It didn't explode this time!"

The teenager came down the hall of the flat, actually surprised she got to open a legitimate letter from her ginger friends across the country. All the other ones had been pranks... which didn't go over well.

"The howler I sent them probably worked this time." Missy called from the kitchen table, sipping tea angrily as she stared at the envelope.

"I told them not to try anything." Olive grabbed the letter from the table, trying to hide her giddy smile, "I promise."

"Sure." Sirius playfully rolled his eyes at the girl.


"I taught the twins for a whole year... she's not joking." Remus added from his spot on the sofa, casually reading the newspaper with a mug of dark coffee on his knee.

Olive opened the letter with a satisfied smile, "Yeah, Sirius."

The Ravenclaw girl took at seat at the table, grabbing a danish from the table and mindlessly taking a huge bite out of it. Her eyes scanned some unfamiliar near cursive.

Dear Olive,

This is Molly Weasley! Fred and George's mother. So terribly sorry about the pranks, it won't happen again or these two will have their stash of pranks confiscated. I've heard so many wonderful things about you!
-Molly Weasley

The girl nearly choked on her food, stifling a laugh as she finished the letter.

"What?" Missy asked, quirking a brow.

"It's their mum, Mrs. Weasley. She apologizes on their behalf." Olive smirked through a mouthful of danish.

"Well at least someone gets my howlers."

"That was one time!" Sirius called in defense, "Seriously, Missy, it's been nearly 15 years."

Olive turned back to her letter with another eye roll (she's been doing a lot of that all summer. Sirius and her sister have been having those weird arguments for months).

As she picked up another piece of parchment, she quickly recognized George's handwriting.


Sorry about Mum... she insisted. Anyways, I hope you liked our latest invention: Sendable Fireworks! For all your celebratory needs. Fred came up with that one (Fred says hi by the way). We wanted to test them out... no one else wanted to open them.

Heard you were going to the Quidditch World Cup with the Diggory's. That's awesome! We'll be there too! Ron's such a pansy he's been painting his face Bulgaria colors for the past week. We're all excited, though! Are you supporting Ireland or Bulgaria?

Anyways, I hope your feeling well and all with your werewolf scratches. I heard they were different than normal scratches- do they heal slower? Are you going to be all wolffish now?  I'm only kidding, but if you seriously are that's cool too.

See you soon!


P.S. Fred wants to know if you like chew toys. He's asking for a friend.

"Huh." Olive put the letter down with a thud. She sat staring at the letter for a few moments, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

Almost immediately she got up and head for her room, grabbing a piece of parchment and a pen. She wanted to send a reply as soon as possible- Ollie wanted to ensure they got it before the World Cup next week.

Also- the werewolf scratches caused her to act more impulsive nowadays.

Madame Pomfrey and some of the Healers at St. Mungo's said there'd be some changes to Olive, like craving rare steak every once in a while... but a lot more than just her pallet changed over the summer.

Olive was bolder than she had been a few months ago. She acted on impulse more often than before. Her shy side was still there- with all its social anxiety gloriousness- but she found herself talking more.

She did like a nice rare steak every once in a while, but the biggest change was that she was having a hard time morphing into a cat. It took a lot more concentration than it previously did. Ollie didn't know whether to be worried or not. She liked being able to morph into a cat- it was fun! However, it wasn't the end of the world.

As she sat at her writing desk, Olive quickly began to write.

Dear George,

I'm excited for the World Cup! Ireland all the way! (Missy has been shoving all sorts of Quidditch facts in my head for the last few weeks... she's obsessed).

Please don't send anymore pranks... like I said we live in a muggle building! They thought the building was on fire last time!

As for the scratches... they're fine. All healed! I feel one hundred and ten percent better, and the Healers At St. Mungo's said that all is well. I'm excited to get back into the swing of things... if that makes sense?!

I'll see you at the World Cup!


P.S. please tell Fred to kindly shove off :)

As she sent of the letter with Missy's owl, Olive smiled. It was only mid-July, but she already couldn't wait for the World Cup and to go back to Hogwarts.

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