Chapter Ninety-Seven

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After Harry's arrival at 12 Grimmauld Place, the summer holidays went by fairly quickly. Soon enough, after a few more weeks of cleaning, failing to spy on Order meetings, and catching up with Harry about his Hearing (thankfully he wasn't expelled), it was the last day of their summer break.

Hermione, Ginny, and Olive were in their room packing up their trunks. They had just come up from a celebratory meal downstairs, congratulating Ron and Hermione on making prefect.

Now that school was less than twenty-four hours away, everyone was riled up and excited, including Olive. She had been in a melancholic funk the last day or so with the realization that she was starting her very last year at Hogwarts, but now that they were finally leaving tomorrow... she couldn't help but get excited.

"So... say I decided to sneak out of the common room after hours." Ginny suggested, "And you and Ron just so happen to catch me..."

"As much as I love the rules, Gin, I'm not going to rat you out." Hermione was folding her clothes into a neat little pile, smiling as she looked up at the incoming fourth year, "Though, I doubt Ron'll have the same idea."

Olive looked over her shoulder at the open door, where across the hall Ron and Harry were packing up their school trunks as well. They didn't seem to be having as pleasant of a conversation as the girls were, but were nonetheless too preoccupied to hear them.

"Don't let George and Fred hear you say that, 'Mione." Olive mused, "They'll never let you hear the end of it."

Hermione shrugged, "If that happens, I'll shove their problems onto Ron. So far that's seemed to always work."

"Really?" The Ravenclaw asked with a smirk.

The newly proclaimed prefect nodded.

"Might have to try that someday." Olive laughed, closing her trunk once all her things were packed neatly inside. She used her wand to move it from her bed to the floor, not wanting to slam it onto the ground at this time in the evening. Even though she was allowed to use magic outside of school now, she still didn't use it as much as Fred and George did.

Olive climbed up onto her bed and sat cross-legged, watching Ginny and Hermione finish packing. She had enjoyed her summer with the girls, and would miss being able to spend basically all day with them.

"I know this summer was not what any of us expected." Ollie began, looking down at her lap as she fidgeted with her fingers, "But I had fun. I'm glad we all got to spend time together."

"Me too." Ginny declared, "It's nice to be around other girls my age for once. I love mum, and I love my brothers, but still."

"Plus you've got to spend some time with Harry." Hermione said quietly, giving the ginger a knowing look, wagging her eyebrows in the direction of the boys' room across the hall.

"Hermione!" Ginny tossed a pillow at the fifth year.

"Oh." Olive looked between the youngest Weasley child, and then to Harry, who was still unaware of their conversation all the way across the hall, "Do I sense... a crush Ginny Weasley?"

"If you don't want a pillow in your face? No." Ginny said pointedly. She quickly tip-toed across the room and shut their bedroom door, "There's no crush."

She was blushing, but was obviously trying to be serious. Olive bit her lip, stopping the conversation with a quick, smirking look to Hermione. While they knew there was more to tell about Ginny's tiny crush on Harry, however big or small it may be, they decided that pushing it would not bode well.

Ginny had excellent aim with a pillow, as they'd seen in their giant pillow fight back in April.

"If there's anyone we should be gossiping about, it should be Ollie and George." Ginny sent a look to the Ravenclaw, "Fred told me that Sirius caught them snogging at six in the morning a few weeks ago."

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