Chapter Forty-Six

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Dear Ollie,

Tell me all about your year so far. Obviously you know all about the TriWizard Tournament! It's exciting, isn't it? This year is certainly going to go down in history as one of the best years at Hogwarts.

Besides that, tell me everything. How are your classes? How are Cho and Natalie? Cedric? Even those Weasley boys you've started to hang out with? (I suspect Padfoot doesn't like them so much... I suspect he's a little protective of you).

Remus told me about the talk you two had in Diagon Alley. Don't feel pressured to make any decisions about your future until you are ready. I want you to do what makes you happy, that you'll be passionate about. I will support you every step of the way. I do agree with him, however, that you should definitely look into publishing some of your stories. (It's just a suggestion, Ollie).

I have some news to tell you as well. It's top secret, okay? So don't tell anyone. Not Padfoot, not Remus, not your friends. Not even Harry Potter.

Dumbledore reached out to me a few weeks ago about clearing Padfoot of all charges. He's put me in touch with a close former colleague of his at the Legal Department in the Ministry. It's a really slow process, but we're headed in the right direction. Of course, this is only an appeal. It could take weeks, months, or even years before we get an answer... or even take it to the Minister. It could also fail miserably. So please, don't tell anyone. I want it to be a surprise if we can clear his name.

I'll write to you with any updates. Don't write here about the case, because Padfoot is a nosy prick and has always somehow read some of my letters. Plus, everyone misses you and will be excited to hear back from you.

Padfoot says hello. He's been writing back and forth to Harry since the term started, and he's been extremely happy about it. He's asking if you could keep an eye on Harry every once in a while. Check in, maybe, or just say hello. You don't have to, but Harry is a lot like James and refuses to talk about any problems he has.

Remus told me to tell you he liked the story you wrote about the fairytales. I had it in my bookshelf and he was looking for some new reading material, so I hope you don't mind that I let him read it. He also asked about the new DADA professor, Moody.

This letter is running a bit long, so I'll stop rambling. Love and miss you, Ollie. Write back as soon as you can.



"What's got you smiling like that?"

Olive looked up from the letter from her sister, which she was just staring at with a wide, stupid smile on her face. Cedric and Cho were looking at the girl with amused smirks, their friend's reaction having pulled them away from their flirty conversation.

"Oh." Ollie folded the letter up, "It's from Missy. She just had some good news, is all."

Cedric raised his brows, "Oh! What's the good news?"

Looking at her cousin with an almost startled look, Ollie tried to come up with a convincing lie to tell Cedric. She hated lying to him, but she couldn't tell him the good news she got in the letter about Sirius's possible appeal. She couldn't even tell him Sirius was living with them without risking a trip to Azkaban.

"Job promotion." Olive lied, "New office and a pay raise. She's really excited."

She prayed that would be enough.

"Wow! That's amazing!" Cho said to Olive, "When you write back, tell her congratulations from me."

Ollie nodded, "Of course." She looked down at her cereal, letting out a quiet sigh of relief.

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