Chapter Forty-Three

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"Do you have everything?"

Ollie looked around the flat, mentally going over her packing list. The girl nodded, grabbing her bag from the loveseat before joining her sister at the door.

"Yep." She nodded, "Everything."

Missy checked her watch, "We better leave now if we don't want to rush."

Remus and Sirius was gathered at the door with the two girls, ready to say their goodbyes to the youngest Lark sister.

"Bye Remus." Ollie gave the former professor a hug, sharing a smile with him before turning to Sirius, "Bye, Sirius."

"Write to us, okay?" Sirius asked, "I'm going to miss you!"

Ollie laughed at the man's usual dramatic antics as she nodded, zippering up her jumper as she headed closer to the door.

"It won't be that long." The girl shrugged, "I'll be home for Christmas."

All of the adults shared a look, hesitant to speak. Ollie looked at Missy, her older sister biting her lip as she tried to hide a smile. None of the adults spoke, the silence hanging in the air thick with a secret Olive wanted to know.

"What?" She asked, "Can I not come home this year?"

After sharing a look with both Remus and Sirius, Missy sighed, placing a hand on Ollie's shoulder, "I don't think you'll be wanting to go home for the holidays this year."

The Ravenclaw quirked a brow, "And why is that?"

"There may or may not be something exciting going on this year at Hogwarts." Remus explained, "Dumbledore told everyone not to say a word to the students."

"What do you mean, 'something exciting?'" Ollie asked, "What is it?"

"We can't tell you." Missy said, "But you will find out soon, I hope. Possibly tonight at the feast."

"I can't believe you've kept this a secret nearly all summer." Ollie shook her head, "It better be exciting."

"Oh, it will be." Sirius sighed, "I wish they had reinstated it when we were in school."

Remus nudged Sirius in the ribs, the man having said too much about the secret event going on at Hogwarts. Ollie just rolled her eyes, grabbing her trunk as Missy impatiently checked her watch again.

"We have to go." Missy said, "I'll see you two later."

"Bye Ollie!" Remus and Sirius both chirped, waving to the girl as she exited the flat, followed by Missy.

Once the door shut, Remus turned to Sirius, shaking his head. The latter just smirked, arms folded across his chest as he walked back to the kitchen table.

"You had one job, Padfoot, one job!"

"Why do you have an extra jumper in your bag?" Missy asked as they hopped off their train into London. Luckily, the trip brought them into Kings Cross Station, so they had only to walk past a few platforms until they reached where they needed to be.

Ollie sighed, "It's George's, remember? I should probably give it back to him."

"Oh, that's right." Missy smiled, "So you're going to see him today?"

The Ravenclaw playfully rolled her eyes, "Missy, we go to the same school. We're in the same year. I'm going to see him at some point."

The eldest Lark sister laughed, "I'm only teasing."

Ollie looked around the platforms, quietly observing the muggles hopping on and off trains on their morning commute. She recognized some of those she saw as witches or wizards, pushing along their luggage towards the platform as she and Missy were.

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