Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Olive remembered Cedric telling her that they had good seats. She just didn't expect how good those seats were. They were at the very top of the stadium, in the Top Box with the Minister of Magic himself. It was a bit of a climb, but the view was absolutely stunning. Ollie was sat between Cedric and Ginny, having a perfect view of the Quidditch pitch.

"You didn't tell me we'd be all the way up here." Olive whispered the Cedric, her eyes fixed on the scene below. Everyone was taking their seats, and from what the announcer had said, the teams were almost ready to come out.

"I didn't know until today either." Cedric looked like he wanted to cry with happiness. This was his Quidditch dream, besides probably playing in the World Cup himself.

"This is all very exciting, isn't it?" Ginny said to Olive, "We've been looking forward to this all summer. Ron wouldn't shut up about Victor Krum."

"Victor Krum?" Ollie didn't know much about Quidditch. She was only rooting for Ireland because that was the team Missy and Sirius told her to cheer for.

"Seeker for Bulgaria." Cedric explained, "He's my age, basically, and he's that good."

"Wow." Olive mused, "Really?"

"He's one of the best seekers in the world." Ron called a few seats down, "He's an artist!"

"Is someone in love?" George pinched his brother's cheeks, "Aw, Ronald, good for you!"

"Piss off, George!"

"Oi, behave yourselves up here." Mr. Weasley shot them all a look, "Remember where we are, kids."

Everyone remembered that the Minister of Magic and some of his close employees would be joining them. A House Elf sat in a seat close to where Cornelius Fudge would be sitting, claiming that the seat was for her master.


Olive turned back to Cedric, "Who's sitting there?"

"Dunno." Her cousin eyed the seat with curiosity, "Whoever is there is going to be late. Game's about to start."

"Even with the Minister not here yet?"

"Oh, he's here alright."

Olive turned to see who was behind her, and immediately wanted to roll her eyes. Draco Malfoy was following his parents to their seats, his usual sneer plastered on his face.

"Arrived with my family and I." The blond gloated, "We had dinner before the match. Of course, a rather fancy place. No one that any of you would know."

The Ravenclaw could tell Draco was only boasting about their night because Harry and his friends were there. Plus, for some reason, he really disliked the Weasleys. Olive, however, just kind of ignored him most of the time. To everyone else, the fights between Draco and Harry were kind of repetitive and honestly exhausting to watch.

"Good for you, Draco." Olive found herself saying, "But the match is about to start, and I'm sure your mum's already got your seat warmed for you. We'd all be appreciative if you boasted over there at least."

What in the hell.

Cedric nudged Olive, but she maintained eye contact with he blond until he left, ears red, taking a seat next to Narcissa Malfoy. As soon as everyone had taken their seats, Olive's face turned red, her eyes wide.

"Did I just say that?" She asked, her voice an octave higher than it usually was, "To a Malfoy?"

Ginny smirked, nodding her head with such excitement her red hair fell in her face, "Yes, yes you did."

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