Chapter Thirty-One

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"Was she bitten?"

"No. Not from what I can tell. However, the scratches are severe."

"Will she have any effects or changes from the scratches?"

"Only time will tell, Albus. She needs to wake up first before we can take the next steps."

"Miss Lark is special. I have no doubts in my mind that she will pull through this."

"You are exceptionally optimistic, sir."

Olive slowly opened her eyes, her whole body feeling like it was on fire. Her face immediately twisted into a grimace, her cobalt eyes glancing around her frantically.

Madame Pomfrey and Professor Dumbledore stood at the foot of the bed, watching her carefully. Only Ron was in the Hospital Wing, his leg tightly bandaged up. The early morning light shone through the windows, causing the fifth year to squint from the brightness.

"Good. You're awake." Madame Pomfrey said, "How are you feeling?"

Olive opened her mouth to speak, but found her throat as dry and scratchy as sandpaper. A hoarse squeak exited her mouth, causing a small tinge of pink to appear on her pale and colorless cheeks. Clearing her throat, she managed to speak briefly.

"I've been better."

"Clearly." Madame Pomfrey chuckled, "Werewolf scratches are no joke. They're different from normal cuts and wounds."

The Healer placed a tray at the foot of Ollie's bed, containing two cups.

"Here, drink this and then wash it down with some pumpkin juice." A cup was raised to her lips as sour liquid poured down her throat. Olive nearly gagged, causing the wounds on her stomach to burn more intensely. However, the pumpkin juice was sweet and ice cold, feeling like heaven on her dry throat.

"Thank you." Olive said quietly, the potion Madame Pomfrey had given her had taken away some of the intense burning she felt in her wounds.

"Do you think you'll be okay on your own for a little while?" Madame Pomfrey asked. Olive, who felt like all the energy had been completely drained from her body, did her best to nod her head.

"C-can I sit up?" She asked, feeling awkward to be laying down when she was awake. Madame Pomfrey sighed, gently helping the girl into a more propped up sitting position. It pained the wounds in her stomach greatly, causing Ollie to let out a muffled cry. She bit her tongue to keep herself from yelling.

However, sitting up was a lot better than laying down. She felt a little more normal.

"Thank you." She said, taking a few deep breaths after having strained herself into the sitting position.

"Don't strain yourself too much. It won't be good for the wounds." The Healer instructed. She turned to Dumbledore, who had been quietly watching this whole time.

"She needs rest Professor. I highly suggest you leave her be."

"I will only be a few moments, Poppy." Dumbledore smiled. Once the Healer left, he took a seat on the chair next to Olive's bed.

"It was brave of you to stand up for the people you believed in." He said.

"I-is Sirius okay?" Olive asked, "Did you get Peter?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "Peter Pettigrew was able to get away. However, Sirius managed to escape."

Ollie frowned. They didn't clear Sirius's name, which made her feel extremely terrible.

"He's innocent, Professor." Olive pleaded, "He's-"

"Trust me when I tell you that justice will eventually be served." Dumbledore explained, "Sirius will be safe as long as he keeps to the shadows."

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