Chapter Ninety-Three

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On the eighteenth of July, Olive was woken up by a large group of people who were trying really hard to make sure she was still asleep, adamantly shushing and hitting each other in the arm if they breathed too loud or stepped on a creaky floorboard.

"You're going to wake her up, you toshpot! Mum said it's not ready yet."

"Forgive me for breathing, Gin."

"We're supposed to make sure she's still sleeping."

"Shh! She's waking up!"

Olive suddenly felt a pang of nostalgia from the Christmas morning her fifth year, where the Weasley siblings had woken her up in a similar fashion.

She couldn't help the smile that gave away that she had been listening to them, finally opening her eyes to reveal that she was, in fact, awake.

Practically standing over her were four gingers, all still clad in their pajamas, all looking like deer caught in headlights once they realized that they have failed to do the one thing the adults had assigned them to do.

Fred and Ginny were closer to the foot of the bed, Ron and George by her shoulders. As soon as it was obvious that the birthday girl was awake, they all simultaneously took a step backwards.

"Good... morning?" Olive eyed the Weasley siblings suspiciously, pushing herself up onto her elbows, "What's going on?"

She was still slightly dazed with sleep, blinking a few times to clear the drowsy fog from her vision. Slowly she was trying to piece together what was going on, and why the four people at her bedside were trying to make sure she was still asleep.

"This... this is all a dream!" Fred waved his hands ridiculously in the air, "You will go back to sleep and forget this ever happened."

"Really?" Ginny rolled her eyes at her brother, "You think that's going to work?"

Fred shrugged, as if there clearly wasn't another option than to try and convince the Ravenclaw that she was still asleep.

Olive slowly fixed her gaze to George, who had facepalmed himself for his twin's stupid actions.

"George," She sat herself up properly, smoothing down the sides of her sleep-mussed curls to attempt to tame what she already knew was a mess of frizz and knots, "Care to explain?"

He paused, his eyes mistakenly shooting towards the door, where a floor below Olive could faintly hear people moving around in the kitchen, along with the chatter of some hushed voices.

"Nothing." He simply said, "We're just... checking on you."

"Checking on me?" Olive repeated, "While I'm sleeping?"

"Sure." George nodded, "Yep. While you're sleeping."

Ginny let out a frustrated huff, shoving her brothers out of the way as if she couldn't believe such ideocracy, "They told us to make sure you didn't wake up before your surprise was ready."

"Ginny!" Fred, George, and Ron all chimed at once, sending a look to the girl for ruining the surprise.

"Like you lot were doing any better." She defended herself, "You're all pathetic liars, really."

"A surprise." Ollie repeated, taking the attention off of the youngest Weasley child, who was still receiving some slightly disappointing looks from her brothers.

"Not so much a surprise." George explained. If the secret was out, he might as well just go with it, "Just... breakfast."

"Birthday breakfast." Ron corrected, "Which is far different than regular breakfast."

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