Chapter Sixty

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"What could Flitwick possibly want with us on a Friday afternoon?" Nat whined, adjusting her tie haphazardly so it at least looked slightly more presentable, "It's the weekend. I just want to nap."

Olive was using the hem of her robes to get the ink smudges from her hands, half of her mind focused on what her friend was saying and the other half thinking back on her conversation with Missy and Sirius in the woods the other day. She didn't really think the Yule Ball would be such a big deal at Hogwarts, especially because there were barely any social events during the year that were put on by the school.

Well, besides Quidditch and the trips to Hogsmeade... but those were mostly informal.

"I dunno." The raven-haired girl shrugged, "Maybe it's about exams before the Holidays?"

She hadn't told her friends about the upcoming Yule Ball, mostly because she figured they'd be the ones to get all excited about it. Cho more than Nat, but both of her friends were social butterflies who would genuinely enjoy a dance where they got to dress up. Ollie didn't want to ruin the surprise for them.

"No, Flitwick talked about that last week, remember?" Cho piped in, "During Charms class he told my class he'd tell the rest of the House throughout the week."

"Well, whatever it is, it's uncalled for." Nat shrugged, "I, for one, have plans tomorrow, so I want to go back to the Common Room and be lazy the rest of the day."

Olive and Cho shared a look, "Plans?"

That earned both of them a nudge in the side from the blonde, who promptly shushed them as they turned into the Charms classroom.

However, it didn't look like the classroom they were used to. All of the desks were gone, and the stacks of books that were always piled at the front of the room were tucked away into the corners, creating a massive space at the center of the room.

"Yes, I have plans." Natalie didn't seem to notice the obvious change to their Charms classroom. If she did, she didn't let on, "Does that surprise you? I can have more friends than just you two."

"What happened to the desks?" Cho looked around, sharing confused looks with other students in their house.

Olive noticed a large gramophone situation against one of the walls, Professor Flitwick levitating a record onto the turntable. He seemed to be in a particularly chipper mood, humming a Weird Sisters tune to himself as he waited for the rest of the Ravenclaw House to gather inside the classroom.

"Hello?!" Nat whisper-yelled to them, "I can have other friends, can't I? Cho's got Marietta and snogs with Cedric every other hour, and Ollie, don't get me started on you and Weasley-"

"Everybody quiet down!"

Olive's face was absolutely white at Natalie's words, relief relaxing her tense shoulders and widened eyes from Flitwick cutting in at just the right moment. She really did not know where Nat was going with that statement, but she didn't think she wanted to know either.

Cho had to cover her mouth with her hands to keep from laughing, a blush reddening her cheeks at the mention of her and Cedric's relationship.

Natalie Arnold, on the other hand, seemed perfectly satisfied at getting that reaction from her two best friends.

"May I please have everyone's attention!" Professor Flitwick called out as he walked into the center of the room, "Thank you!"

The entire Ravenclaw House, save for students third year and below, quieted down for the most part. Students were still whispering to each other, the topic mostly on why the entire Charms classroom had been cleared out save for a few books and a gramophone. There was a giddy excitement in the room, which made it evident that the students known for their cleverness and knack for always being curious had started to piece things together.

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