Chapter Eighty-Two

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Like most nights when Olive had a lot on her mind, she sat curled up in her pajamas by the window in her dormitory, writing carefully in her notebook. While she was using her writing as a means to distract her from what had happened with George earlier in the day, her mind kept going back to the look he had given her as she left Gryffindor Tower.

Ollie prayed that he had gotten the note she left tucked into the folds of his jumper. Hopefully Fred had managed to give it to him... and hopefully George forgave her enough to read it.

She couldn't help but think how ridiculous it all seemed. This all started because the first thing she decided to do after finding out she could turn into a cat was mess with Fred and George Weasley: the biggest pranksters at Hogwarts.

Of course, there was much more that went into that. She hadn't expected the twins to become her friends, or that she and George would... you know... catch feelings for each other.

The Ravenclaw sighed, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes. She was in her head too much. What she needed to do was take her mind off of the situation and think about it tomorrow. Her brain needed a break, especially since she had been fretting over the situation all day.

She went back to her story, letting the characters and plot envelop her, filling her mind with their motivations, their feelings, their problems. It was a lot easier dealing with the problems of fictional characters than her own.

Her tired eyes swept across the page. It was well into the evening, all of her dormmates having been asleep for hours already. Although a wave of sleepiness was beginning to overtake her, Olive hadn't really planned on going to bed until she finished the next chapter of her story.

Well... she said that three chapters ago.

Ever since she sent her portfolio and application to the witch in Boston who had taken an interest in her writing, she had found herself wanting to write more. She wanted to improve her skills, and have many more polished pieces to have on hand just in case she heard back, or if any other opportunities presented themselves.

That meant she was up later than usual most nights, but Olive didn't mind that. She never got bored of writing, and always had at least one or two ideas for a new story in her head at a time.

However, after getting only three or four hours of sleep the previous night, and only a handful more the one before that, her eyes couldn't help but droop, her pen threatening to drag off the page and leave a nasty line across her writing every time she started to doze off.

Only a few more paragraphs...

Olive shook her head a few times, blinking rapidly to get rid of her fuzzy vision. For the moment, she capped her pen, using it as a bookmark to hold her place in her notebook, which she quietly set down next to her. Leaning her head back, she gazed out the window at the night sky, the bright stars and constellations providing a comforting light on a moonless night.

Slowly, her eyes closed, sleepiness and exhaustion taking over. In her mind she pictured the previous night, snuggled in George's jumper, falling asleep with an arm wrapped around her and a head resting on top of hers. It was much more comforting than dozing off on the chilly window seat in her quiet dormitory.

The thought made her smile.

However, just as sleep was starting to envelop her, something small hit the window with a swift tap. Olive jolted awake, slapping a hand over her mouth to keep herself from shouting a plethora of colorful curse words in surprise. As startled as she was, she didn't want to wake up her dormmates.


Another one.


Olive quickly found her wand, the sleepiness from before temporarily gone. She cautiously opened the window, holding her wand at the ready as she peeked out. Her eyes squinted as she scanned around the area, expecting so see an owl or a different bird trying to get inside on a chilly night.

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