Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Olive turned around, relieved at the sight of someone familiar. Fred had grabbed her wrist, George and Ginny behind him. They all looked tense and alert, which was unlike the Weasleys at all.

Her shoulders relaxed, her brows raised, "H-hi!"

Fred tugged on her wrist, and Olive started following them to the woods.

"Have you guys seen Cedric?" Olive asked, her voice wavering, "We got separated."

"Last we saw him he was headed back towards the tents." George explained, "Ollie, are you okay?"

The Ravenclaw shrugged, her clammy hands balled into fists, "I-I..."

She took a breath, trying to calm herself down, "Yeah. I'm okay. We have to go find him."

Olive turned to head back, but Fred grabbed her arm again, steering her back in the direction of the woods.

"That is not a good idea." Fred shook his head, "The last thing we need is to get in the way between the Ministry and the Death Eaters."

"Besides, Cedric is smart. He can handle himself. He probably went back looking for you, and he'll soon realize that you probably headed for the woods." George sent the girl a reassuring nod, "Which is where you'll be."

He had a point. Olive always hated when George was right, especially now. Part of her felt guilty for being separated from Cedric, and not being able to get back up and find him. What if her cousin got hurt because he went back to look for her? She'd never forgive herself.

Olive followed Fred, George, and Ginny closely. She didn't want to get separated again and be on her own. Besides, she was exhausted and cold. All she wanted was to crawl back into bed.

The woods were bustling with activity by the time they got there. People were everywhere, huddled in groups, walking around, or talking in stern, hushed voices with Ministry workers. Olive immediately felt safer, because as soon as they walked into the woods there was a large auror presence.

Fred and George led the two girls deeper into the woods, where they picked out a little clearing to wait by. It was far enough away from the entrance to the woods where they couldn't be seen immediately by anyone who walked in, but not too far away where they couldn't be found if anyone they knew came looking for them.

"You're bleeding." Ginny pointed out, nodding to a scrape on the Ravenclaw's arm.

Olive looked down, not even noticing the scrape until now. She definitely expected to have some bruises and scrapes from being trampled on, and she did have some, but this one was a little worse than the rest. The scrape was long, from mid forearm to wrist, and had tiny trickles of blood coming from deeper parts of the scrape. Ollie wiped some of the blood off with the hem of her shirt, wincing from the contact.

"Oh." She simply shrugged, "Yeah."

"Ollie." George stepped closer to Olive, a glint of concern in his eye, "Are you sure you're alright?"

Messy dark curls falling into her face, Olive met George's stare with piercing blue eyes. Her gaze was distracted, but she nodded to reassure the redhead.

"I'm fine." She said again, her voice resorting back to the same quiet but matter of fact tone she always used, "Just shaken up is all."

"What happened?" Fred asked, "How did you and Cedric get separated?"

Olive wrapped her arms around herself, shivering. She started to pace, walking a few steps back and forth to try and warm herself up.

"We were just talking in the tent, and then everything turned into chaos. Uncle Amos came in and told us to head to the woods. We were trampled by a group of people." Ollie was silent for a moment, "I fell down, and Cedric got pulled by the rush of the crowd."

"We'll find Cedric." George reassured the teen, "He's probably somewhere around here looking for you anyways."

Olive nodded, "I know."

Still, she felt terrible just sitting there, doing nothing while Cedric could be anywhere, where anything could have happened to him.

"Why don't you and George stay here. Build a little fire or something to keep you warm." Fred suggested, "That way, if Cedric or anyone is looking for us, at least you two are in one place. Ginny and I will do a quick lap around the woods, ask if anyone has seen Cedric, or Ron, Hermione and Harry."

"I don't think-" Ginny started, but Fred quirked a brow at his little sister and she immediately changed her mind, "Yeah, let's do that. We'll be right back."

"Thanks, Fred." Ollie nodded, offering a small smile, "Be careful."

"If everyone comes back here before you get back, I'll set off our joint shockers." George pulled the small device out of his pocket, "Still in the works, but it'll do the trick, I suppose."

Fred laughed, pulling an identical one out of his pocket, "Right, Georgie."

Ginny and Fred left, leaving Olive and George standing awkwardly in silence.

Olive sat down on a tree stump, fiddling with the collar of her t-shirt, trying to adjust it so it covered the raised scars just peeking through. George slipped the device back into his pocket, watching the girl carefully.

"Here." George slipped of his jumper and slid it over Olive's shoulders. He had put on an extra one because of the cold, and figured Ollie was absolutely freezing in just a t-shirt.

"Thank you." Olive pulled the jumper tighter around her shoulders, clad in goosebumps from the frigid night, "You don't have to-"

"Don't worry about it." George shrugged, "I put on an extra one anyway."

The Ravenclaw nodded, tucking a black curl behind an ear. She was quiet, her body tense as she stared at the ground. Olive wanted to break the silence, but she didn't know how to or what to say. It was awkward, just sitting here with George, especially after all of the chaos that had just happened.

"Is there any way we could start a fire?" Ollie found herself saying, her voice still holding the insecure quietness as it always had. Recently she found herself hating it.

"I know there aren't any muggles around, but I don't suppose we should be using magic outside of school." George shrugged, taking a seat next to Olive on the tree stump, "Especially after tonight."

Olive nodded, "Probably."

George leaned forward with a sigh, "It's bloody freezing out here, isn't it?"

"It was colder back there." Ollie remarked with a shiver, focusing her gaze back out towards camp. It was harder to make out the tents and smokey fires from how dense the trees were, but she could smell the burning wood from where she was sitting.

"We're okay here." George said, in a way that answered a question he was probably thinking as well, "Dad said the Ministry is on top of it."

"I-it's still scary, isn't it?" Olive said, balling her fists into the sleeves of George's jumper, "Everyone thought they were all gone... and now this?"

The eerie silence after she spoke was enough to tell George that she was feeling exactly how he was. Tense. Scared. Confused. What would happen after this?

"I know." The ginger ran a hand through his hair, pushing away the fringe that threatened to get in his eyes.

Olive let out a small sigh, a chill shaking her shoulders and chattering her teeth. It was cold in the woods, but the Ravenclaw felt it wasn't just the end of summer chill that was causing the frigid weather, especially because of the nicer weather earlier in the day.

No, Ollie felt it. A cold presence had washed over the whole camp, like a mysterious tidal wave that left a bitter taste in her mouth.

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