Chapter Ninety-Nine

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Olive woke up a few hours later, still wrapped in George's arms, her head resting on his chest. At first, she was a bit confused on how she got to his bed. However, after giving herself a few moments to wake up, she remembered.

George was still sound asleep, and it seemed like it would be that way for a while. From what she could see without moving so much, his lips were slightly parted, the ends twitching upwards into a smile. His breathing was deep and even, and every so often his arms would twitch and hold her tighter.

It was a wholesome sight to wake up to.

Then, her eyes wandered over to the clock on the nightstand just behind his shoulder, wanting to make sure she got up and went back to her own room before Sirius (or anyone else for that matter) caught them.

It was nearly nine-thirty in the morning. They had to leave at ten.

Did everyone else sleep in? Or was everyone waiting on them to be ready?

However, Fred's snores from across the room told the Ravenclaw that she and George were not the only ones who overslept. Perhaps Ginny, who really liked her sleep, would still be snoozing when she snuck back into her bedroom to get dressed.

"George." Ollie whispered, gently shaking him awake, "Time to get up, Georgie."

She poked his cheeks lightly until his eyes opened, laughing at his furrowed expression.

"Did we miss the train?" He asked sleepily, swatting away Ollie's fingers so he could close his eyes and resume sleeping.

"It's nine-thirty." She sat up, covering her mouth to suppress a giggle as George tried to pull her back into bed with him, "If we're not ready to leave in half an hour, we just might."

"Five more minutes?" He puffed out his bottom lip, "Please?"

"Sorry, love, but we've got to go!" Olive shook her head at him, "Wake Fred up while you're at it."

George made a sound that was caught between a groan and a heavy sigh as he reluctantly sat up, stretching his long limbs in the process. Olive stood near the doorway for a moment, watching him sleepily get up. His hair was sticking up in every possible direction, and even though he was awake and moving around the bedroom he kept his eyes closed.

"One day I want to wake up next to you and not have to worry about getting caught." George told her, his voice low and sleepy, "Or having to wake up early."

Ollie blushed, her eyes trailing up to meet his eyes. Although she didn't say anything, the glimmer in her blue eyes was enough to tell George what she felt. She hovered in the doorway for another moment, holding his gaze as she opened the bedroom door.

"See you in a few."

She exited the twin's bedroom just as George started tossing pillows at Fred to wake him up. Closing the door behind her, she walked as briskly and quietly as possible through the hall and down the stairs. Even though she knew someone would see her sneaking from the third floor to her bedroom, she hoped it at least wouldn't be one of the adults.

Olive could take teasing from Ron or Harry... but if Missy were to see her? Or even Remus or Sirius... she'd never hear the end of it. She especially did not want to think what would happen if she were to walk straight into Mr. or Mrs. Weasley. Even as the thought left her mind as quickly as it came, it made her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

She climbed down the stairs two at at time, planning out the next twenty-five minutes in her brain so she could get ready on time. Ollie still needed to shower, get her trunk downstairs, and pack her bag for the train ride with her robes and notebook. If she was going to be ready on time, she needed to get her act together.

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