Chapter Ninety-Five

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Olive hadn't realized how long she had been sitting in the kitchen until she was shaken awake early the next morning with a stiff neck and not feeling any less tired.

"Have you been down here all night?" Remus whispered to her, finding it rather funny that she was sitting hunched over against the table, looking extremely uncomfortable as her eyes slowly fluttered open.

She sat up, wincing as she tried to stretch out her stiff muscles. Olive's eyes darted around the kitchen in surprise, not expecting the early morning light to shine through the windows or the time on the clock to read six-thirty.

"Huh?" Olive wiped a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth. She felt as if time had slipped through her fingers. One moment she was sitting at the kitchen table thinking about what Missy had told her, the next Remus was standing over her shaking her awake.

Where did that time go? When did she fall asleep?

Remus, his hair a mess and still in his robe, meandered around the kitchen with a short chuckle, getting some tea on the kettle for breakfast, "You've been down here all night?"

Olive sighed. Her body felt sore and exhausted, even if she managed a few hours of sleep.

"I guess so." She yawned, "Didn't realize I fell asleep until, well, now."

"I can relate to that." The former professor said with an all-knowing smile, "Why did you stay down here anyways? I heard Missy come upstairs a few minutes after we left. Figured you must have as well."

"I was thinking." The Ravenclaw admitted, "About what she said during our conversation last night."

Olive rested her head back down on the table, her bleary eyes unable to see anything properly. She held back a wince as Remus turned on one or two of the kitchen lights.

"Sorry." Remus flicked them off before sitting down across the table from her, "Habit."

"It's fine." Olive closed her eyes again, "It's my fault for falling asleep down here. Not exactly the most comfortable place to sleep."

"Would you like some tea?" He asked nodding to the kettle, "Might wake you up a bit."

Slowly, Olive got to her feet with her eyes closed, shaking her head, "No. I think I'm going to try and get some actual sleep for a few hours."

She rolled her shoulders, which were stiff and aching from sleeping in a hunched position all night. It was a worse feeling than actually pulling an all-nighter, which the Ravenclaw had lots of experience in doing.

"Remus, why are you awake this early anyway?" She asked tiredly, leaning against the doorframe with a frown, "Not even Mrs. Weasley is up yet."

"Like I said, habit." He shrugged, "During a New Moon, I get a bit more pep in my step."

Olive offered him a weary smile, which only caused Remus to let out another quiet laugh.

"Go get some sleep, Ollie." He said, "I'll try to see that no one disturbs you for a few hours."

Nodding her head, which only made it feel heavier on her shoulders, Ollie slowly trudged out of the kitchen. Her socked feet dragged only slightly as she found the staircase, taking the steps slowly and one at a time.

While Olive wanted to climb into bed and get a few hours of real sleep more than anything, now that she was awake, the conversation she had last night with Missy played back in her head over and over.

Azkaban. Where they belong.

She said it with such certainty, such dislike. Ollie had never seen her sister act that way, or even heard her talk about other people with such hatred. She knew Missy had dealt with a lot of Death Eaters during the Wizarding War, being a member of the Order. However, her feelings towards the Benedicts seemed... different. More personal.

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