Chapter One Hundred One

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What was nice about arriving to Hogwarts for the term on a Friday meant that classes didn't start until the following Monday. For two whole days students could do basically just about anything they wanted (within reason, of course) before they had to worry about any responsibilities.

For Olive, that meant sleeping in.

Of course, she hadn't meant to sleep in until almost noon.

By the time she had woken up, it seemed like her dormmates had already been awake and out of the dormitory for hours. Olive had sat up, looking sleepily at the empty dormitory before her, admiring the pleasant breeze coming in through the open window, confused as to why no one else was in the room with her. Usually she was one of the first to get up.

That had been nearly an hour beforehand, and now Olive was walking through the corridors of the castle. She was reading to the Great Hall, notebook tucked under her arm, hoping that she would find Nat and Cho eating lunch at the Ravenclaw table.

However, upon entering the Great Hall, she couldn't seem to find her two best friends in their usual place at their house table. When she walked over, greeting some of the other students with a shy smile, Ollie found that they weren't even in the Great Hall at all.

Ollie frowned. Where had Nat and Cho gone? Had they already eaten lunch and were outside somewhere? It was actually pretty mild for a late summer day, making it perfect to spend the afternoon under the sun. When she passed the courtyard, she found that half the school had made their way outside already.

Perhaps she would just catch up with them later.

Turning back around to head out of the Great Hall, she found two pairs of arms waving over at her. George and Fred were over at the Gryffindor table, appearing to be just sitting down for lunch, a few seconds short of calling the Ravenclaw's name to get her attention.

Even though she had seen them in muggle clothes practically all summer, there was something weird about seeing them without their Hogwarts uniforms seated at the Gryffindor table. Ollie didn't know why, but it gave her the sort of feeling that they were out to cause trouble.

When she made it to their table, it seemed like that was exactly the sort of thing they wanted to do.

"Hey, love." George smiled as she sat down next to him, planting a kiss on her temple.

Olive smiled up at him in response, her blue gaze taking in the mischievous and excited gazes of him and Fred. They both looked like they were up to something.

"You both look like you're about to cause trouble." She said, "What do you two have planned?"

Fred narrowed his eyes at the Ravenclaw, "Do you hear this, George? It's always 'what are you two planning' and 'what trouble have you got into' and never 'hello Fred, hello George, how are you two? Is that a haircut? I love the new jumper-'"

"Alright, you've made your point." Olive threw her hands up in defense, "How are you, Fred?"

The eldest twin shrugged, "Well, now that you ask, I'm absolutely brilliant, Ollie. Thank you."

George rolled his eyes at Fred's dramatic antics, "Stop being dramatic. We're excited because we're going down to the Quidditch pitch to fly around and do a bit of practice."

"We haven't flown all summer." Fred added, "It was torture."

Olive nodded, her eyes flicking between the two, "I know, I was there, remember?"

At least every other day over the summer holidays, George and Fred would complain about not being able to play quidditch or practice, or even just fly around for a bit. Besides gazing longingly at their brooms that remained tucked away into their room's closet, they hadn't done many Quidditch-related activities. While all the Weasley children complained about not being able to dust off their brooms, the twins were the ones who seemed to be missing it most.

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