Chapter Fifty-Four

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Olive really did not want to go to the Great Hall for the drawing of the names. Despite wanting to support both Nat and Cedric, who had the possibility of their names being picked, she just didn't want to be around anyone... especially Fred and George. The TriWizard Tournament was something she had been looking forward to, but now it was something that filled her with worry and dread.

The Ravenclaw sat amongst her friends at their House's table, deep in thought as she scribbled down a few sentences in her notebook. Her hands were smudged with ink again, having been writing all afternoon after leaving the twins at the Hospital Wing. She was really upset at them for some reason, especially George. The sixteen year old really didn't know why, and perhaps she really didn't want to find out.

So, Ollie decided that distracting herself with her writing was the way to feel better. She had started a story that afternoon, one that brought her mind far away from dangerous tasks and a pair of idiots trying to cheat the system. It was rather more mundane, about a pair of muggles. Olive found it quite a challenge to write about muggles, mostly because she didn't really know much about them. However, she really needed the distraction.

"Nat, who was that writer person you gave me the book about a few years ago?" Ollie asked, "I forgot his name..."

The blonde let out a short laugh, "Shakespeare?"

The raven-haired girl smiled, her cobalt eyes lighting up as she wrote down a few lines, "Yes! Thank you!"

Natalie quirked a brow, leaning over her friend's shoulder to try and see what she was writing about, "Olive, what on earth are you writing?"

"Well." Olive capped her pen, "After this afternoon I decided I needed a distraction from idiots with aging potions, and the overexcitement of this tournament."

"So you're writing about Shakespeare?" Cho asked curiously.

"Yes... well, no." Olive closed her notebook with a huff, closing her eyes to gather her thoughts, "I just started it... it's a work in progress. I like his work, and I wanted to try something different to distract myself."

"You like that kind of stuff?" Nat rested her elbow on the table, leaning her chin on the palm of her hand, "Everybody says they like Shakespeare... not many actually do. We all just really pretend to know what it's all about."

Olive frowned, "Really? Some of his poems are quite sweet."

"Tell that to me again if you're ever forced to read Romeo and Juliet and then have to write an essay that places the blame for it all on someone." Natalie sighed, "It's torture."

"From what you talk about with muggle schools it sounds like an absolute nightmare." Cho observed, "Why write about something you'll never use after you graduate?"

Natalie smirked, "Exactly, but that's none of my business."

Cho and Olive exchanged a confused look, not really sure what the blonde was on about. What school taught students things they didn't need to know? It seemed completely impractical. However, both girls agreed with Natalie on this one. It really wasn't any of their business.

Just as Ollie was about to change the subject, the lights dimmed in the Great Hall. All students from the three schools collectively grew quiet, excited whispers echoing off the stone walls of the room. Dumbledore took his usual spot at the front of the hall, his eyes twinkling in amusement at the excitement of the students.

"I know it has been an exciting twenty-four hours for us all." He began, "Tonight with the drawing of our names from the Goblet of Fire will give us our three champions and officially mark the start of the TriWizard Tournament."

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