Chapter Sixteen

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"Ollie! Wake up!"

"Ollie it's Christmas!"

"Wake up! Wake up!"

Olive stirred in her bed, barely noticing the pillows that were hitting her repeatedly. She was up late last night writing a new idea she had- falling asleep curled up in the bed that Hermione and Ginny had let her use.

"Ollie! Come on!"

She opened her eyes, seeing a few people standing over her. Ginny and the twins were hitting her with the pillows, and Hermione was standing behind them, shaking her head with a smile plastered on her lips.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" Ollie put her hands up to stop the pillows from hitting her again. She wasn't the best morning person, but tried considering the girls let her stay in their dormitory for the whole break.

"Good." Ginny smirked, "I guess we can tell Ron not to bring in the bucket of ice water."

Olive shot a look to her, her eyes widening as Ginny's mischievous grin intensified. The Ravenclaw girl sat herself up properly before swinging her feet over the side of the bed. Slipping her feet into some slippers, Ollie looked to them.

"I'm up! Now, why are you guys yelling?" She questioned the rest of them, letting out a yawn as she threw on a jumper over her t-shirt, tying up her curls into messy bun.

Fred and George exchanged looks, then dropped the pillows at their sides.

"It's Christmas, Olive!" George explained, "Why aren't you yelling?"

"Oh. Happy Christmas, then." She said groggily, standing a bit awkwardly in the girls' dorm. She remembered Christmas, getting each Weasley, Harry, and Hermione a small gift for letting her join their dormitory for the holiday.

"Is that it?" Fred exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, "It's Christmas! It only happens once a year! You get presents and you get to spend time with your families, and have snowball fights-"

"I know what Christmas is, you dingus." Olive face palmed, shaking her head with a small smirk, "Missy and I just don't go big on the celebrating. It's only the two of us, after all." She told them.

"Well, you have all of us to celebrate with!" Hermione smiled, "So come downstairs, the rest of the boys are waiting!"

Olive nodded her head, grabbing her notebook and pen before following the trio of redheads and the bushy hair of Hermione out of the girls' dorm and down the stairs.

As she entered the main Gryffindor common room, her eyes lit up. The tree was shining brightly, adorned with sparking lights, gold tinsel, and red and garner ornaments of all sorts, glittering in the presence of the Christmas lights.

Under the tree was a small pile of wrapped gifts- wrapped in brown packaging paper and twine. Ollie could spot the gift Missy had sent her- they always wrap the gifts for each other in the most obnoxious wrapping paper they could find. But there was another small package that Ollie didn't recognize- sitting on top of the one that was so obviously from Missy.

"Shall we open gifts, now that everyone is awake?" Percy asked, sounding a bit bored as he straightened his staple Weasley Christmas sweater.

"Let's get started!" Ron grinned, plopping down in front of the Christmas Tree as he sorted through gifts, giving everyone the wrapped present that was addressed to them.

Ollie noticed two other additional gifts plopped down in front of her with the smaller gift and the one from Missy.

"Who are these from?" Olive asked as she sat down cross legged next to Hermione. The bushy-haired teen gave a shrug to the Lark girl, a small smile still playing on her lips.

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