Esidisi x reader *rough day*

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when you first get home

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when you first get home

-when he first saw you coming through the door, he was shocked.

-your perfect hair was a mess

-there were dark bags under your eyes

and your once earned clothes were now wrinkled and messy

-he grabbed your bags and pulled your jacket off you as you made your way to the couch and plopped down on the couch.

-he kneeled down and took off your socks and shoes

-"What's wrong little human? You look like the undead." He said in his usual joking manner

-However you were not in the joking mood, in fact, the only thing you did was glare at him

-He took the hint and just gave you a kiss on the cheek before he picked you up and took you to the bathroom

The bath

-When you both entered the bathroom, he sat you on the counter and started the water while you began to strip

-soon after when the water was warm and he put your favorite scents in there, you hopped off the counter and sunk into the warm water.

-He left you in there to soak while he went to your drawers and pulled out your softest night clothes and your favorite underwear before he returned to you.

-You told him thanks before he left you in there to do whatever you do
while he went into the kitchen to start dinner

The dinner

-He might not be as good as a chief in a five-star restaurant
but he can throw down in the kitchen

-He has perfected your favorite meals and treats that you liked to eat

-By the time you exited the bathroom, dinner was done and on the table 

-as you were about to sit down, Esidisi put you on his lap as he picked up the fork and put it by your mouth

-when you open your mouth and receive the food, you moan in pleasure as the flavors burst in your mouth.

-You praise him and his cooking abilities while he continues to feed you

-After dinner, he gives you a little massage before he carries you into bed


-He puts you on your side of the bed and crawls in next to you

-There will be no need for blankets since he is a furnace.

-He'll give you a kiss on the head before he takes you in his arms and cuddles you.

-Heavy with sleep, you thank him before sleep consumes you.

Okay, question:

Do yall like it when I space the points out or is it too much?

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