pillar men reacting to s/o that has glasses

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-He is amazed that these little things can help you out so much

-He doesn't say it out loud, but he thinks you look adorable when you wear them

-if you misplace them, he probably knows where they are

-Sometimes when you are sleeping, he will try them on and look In the mirror.


-He likes to tease you about them

-saying that you're as blind as a bat without them

-sometimes when you are walking down the hall, he will snatch your glasses

-leaving you having to hold on to the wall

-as you tried to find the fire giant


-Since you view them as something of high importance, he also sees them as something that is -important

-He makes sure that they are clean and you know where they are at all times

-if you ever lose or break them

-he will make sure to fix them or be your eyes until you can get your glasses fixed


-Just like Kars, he is very amazed by them

-Sometimes he will stare at your glasses for hours on end either they are on your face or laying around somewhere

-If he is more comfortable with you

-He will grab them off your face to examine them closely

-sometimes he will hind them to see just how blind you are

-He has broken and repaired your glasses so many times

-that if you break them in any way, he can fix them in a heartbeat

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