yandere dragon pillarmen x reader

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He will keep you by his side at all times.

-Not as mean to you as he is to everyone else.

-He will not hurt you physically, but he will mentally scar you if you are bad.

-He will drape you will the finest gems known to men.

-He will give you anything you asked for if you are good.

-Will kill anyone who tries to take you away from him.

- Chances of you getting away from him a zero.

- He has you by him when you two are sleeping. If you have to get up for anything, he will stay awake until you come back to bed.

 If you have to get up for anything, he will stay awake until you come back to bed

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-He will mark you as soon as he finds you.

-Everywhere he goes, he takes you with him (unless he finds it dangerous)

-Every time he goes out hunting he brings back the head as a trophy to show you he can protect you and he is a good mate.

-He rather you stay at home while he do everything.

-He will only let you go out if he is with you and there are no buts about it.

-He sleeps with his arm wrapped around your waist tightly.

-He will not make you do anything you don't want to do.


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-The softest yandere ever!

-He will give you some freedom, but he will always be there in the background watching you.

-Just like Santana when he goes out hunting or fighting he will bring something back from the person he kill as a reward and to show you he is very cable of protecting you and your future children.

-He likes to take baths with you and wash you with his favorite body wash.

-When he is working out he encourages you to join him, but if you don't want to he is okay with that.

-When you two are sleeping, he will put you on his chest so he can know you are safe.

-He will not force you to do nothing you don't want to do.

-Since you don't want him to mark you, he rubs his scent all over your body.


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-He is the most laid back of them all, but don't push your luck.

-Unlike Kars, if you get out of hand, he will burn you a bit ( nothing major) to remind you who you belong too.

-He will not mark you right away. He will wait until you are ready.

-However, if you are taking to long and he has been nothing but nice he will mark you either you like it or not.

-Since you are his mate he will make sure you are well fed and plump before breeding you.

-He will let you go out but he will be watching you from a distance. He knows that you won't try and get someone to help you after the first three examples he had to make.

-When sleeping he has you tight to his chest to ensure you don't try to get away.

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