pillar men x s/o who is allergic to ginger

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Request: Could you write about how the pillarmen react to a s/o that is allergic to ginger but will still eat things with ginger because they like the way it tastes even though the ginger could kill them.


-You will have to sneak it to eat it

-He will not let you consume anything that has even the slightest bit of ginger in it.

-If he finds you will something that has even the slightest smell of ginger then he will take it from you in a heartbeat and then give you a lecture about how human lives are short enough and you shouldn't make it any shorter.


-He understands that ginger might be something you want, but he tells you bad you will be afterward.

-If you still try and eat ginger or things that have ginger in them, then he will make a whole sob story about how meaningless life would be without you and how he would be forced to explore the earth alone and miserable.

-However, if you till try to eat it, then he will just take it out of your hand and give you something that in his opinion taste better or he will found something that tastes similar to ginger, but will not kill you


-Is like a mother hen, and will read the ingredients off the back before letting you eat it

-He doesn't want you to die so he will do anything to keep up you alive.

-If you start craving something that has ginger in it, he will just make you exercise with him until the cravings stop for the moment


-He just makes sure you have your EpiPen near at all times

-He tries to keep everything ginger-related out of the house and out of your reach, he understands that he can't be around you at all times, so having your pen around you just puts him at ease.

-But to put him more at ease, he also carries an EpiPen just in case.

PILLAR MEN HEACANNONS SEASON 1 (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora